A Glimpse of the Impossible

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A/N: I'm not sure how good or long this is going to be. My writing isn't really the best. But I really love Harry Potter and Vampire Diaries and I think they would be awesome together.

*Third Person P.O.V*

Hermione granger was walking to Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes to meet Ron. He said that he had something very important to talk to her about. Hermione wasn't sure if it was a good thing or a bad thing. I hope everything is okay, Hermione thought.

Finally she reached the shop but saw that the sign said,"Closed for business." She tried the door and it was unlocked. She stepped in the dark shop and got out her wand.


"Ahhhhh!" Hermione screamed. She had been very caught off guard. "What is all this about?" She exclaimed when she realized that all her friends were there.

"Hermione Granger, I love you more than anything. Anyone. You're my life." Ron got down on one knee as Hermione started to tear up and cover her mouth in surprise. "Will you marry me, love?"

Ron opened the small box in his hand to reveal a huge sapphire inside a beautiful tangle of silver.

" Oh wow! Ronald, this is beautiful!"
Hermione looked around at everyone's faces. Then, it hit her, she can't  marry him! This is just too soon. And he was so sure that she would say yes that he planned a whole engagement party.

"I love you so, so much, Ron. But... I'm-I'm sorry... I can't marry you. This is just too soon. And...and what made you so sure that I was going to say yes? You just had to go and plan the whole engagement party for the second you asked me. Now I look like the bad guy."
Hermione ran off crying and when Ron got up to follow her Harry stepped in front of him.

"You best not, mate. I think she needs time to cool off and even then I don't know when she'll be ready to talk to you. I'll grab my invisibility cloak and follow her to make sure she is safe."

"Okay, yeah. I need some time to think anyway." Ron replied shaking his head.

Harry took his invisibility cloak out of his coat pocket, swiftly put it on, and hurried to follow Hermione. By now it was almost dark and Harry had a hard time seeing anything, let alone a girl in dark clothing that was trying not to be seen. Ugh, I give up, I'm going to have to talk to her, Harry thought.

"Hermione? Hermione! I can hear you. Please talk to me,"

Hermione heard Harry of course, but did not want to talk, so she ignored him. Unfortunately, he was very persistent, "Hermione, you know not to hold in your feelings. Remember what happened last time?"

A shiver was sent down Hermione's spine when Harry brought up that sore subject. This made her want to ignore him even more, "Just go away Harry. I don't want to talk right now. Please just let me be."

"Fine," Harry answered, "just promise that you will talk to me later. Especially if you start feeling..... like that again."

"Of course, Harry. Thank you for caring so much," Hermione got up and hugged Harry before he walked away.

Why does he feel the need to bother me when I'm upset? Boys! They are so difficult! Hermione thought to herself. She was still very stressed about what had happened. She loved Ron, but marriage? That was a really big step that she was not ready for.

Hermione was sitting on a bench near some shop in Diagon Ally, if she was honest with herself she didn't really know where she was. It was dark and suddenly very foggy. She shivered as it was getting quite cold; she heard a loud bird which made her jump.

"Hello?" She called out, sensing she was no longer alone. "Who's there? Lumos."

"What the hell?" A mysterious voice yelled in suprise.

"Who are you?" Hermione asked grateful that her voice wasn't shaking with fear.

"Okay, I'm going to ask you a question before I answer your question," The man said, "What are you?"

Hermione was now more confused than she was scared, "Excuse me?"

"What are you? A witch, with some kind of magic stick, because I've met a lot of witches in my years and none of them have had one of those," He said pointing to her wand.

"Yes, I'm a witch! All witches and wizards have wands. Wait, what are you?"

"I don't think I should tell you."

"I told you what I am."

"Yeah, but I'm something entirely different. Something that has a, or many, very strong stereotypes."

"Okay. I don't care about stereotypes."

"Until you find out what I am."

Hermione was getting very frustrated with this man and she wanted to walk away. But for some reason she stayed, like something was drawing her to him. She wanted to know more about this mysterious man, yet she didn't. What was happening to her?

"Can you at least tell me your name?" She decided to ask one more time.

"Damon. Damon Salvatore," Damon held out his hand to Hermione.

Hermione shook his hand and replied, "I'm Hermione, Hermione Granger." When she shook his hand she felt cold metal touch her. She let go, looked at her hand, and looked back up to ask him about his ring, but he was gone.

That was one of the strangest experiences Hermione had ever had and she found herself, hours later, lying in bed, still thinking about it. And that man. That man, that man, that man. He was so strange. Yet, alluring. She thought.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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