Mouse Trap

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I could hear Chris's phone going off repeatedly. He wasnt answering so i pushed him causing him to fall off the bed.

"Argh shit" he yelled getting up.

He then pickes up his phone answering it and walked into the bathroom. I watches him as he close the door and quickly ran towards the door resting my ear onto it , listening carefully.

"Alright , boo... Yeah.... Im on my way....iyte .... Love you .... Bye b" he opened the door.

So I quickly jumped onto the bed pretending that i had been asleep this whole time. He came over to me and left a kiss on my cheek. I could feel that he had clothes on. I wonder where hes going?

After 30mins of Chris leaving the house i got dressed and called one of my bestfriends (Trinity) to come over and follow me to spy on Chris.

*In the car*

"Gurl , do you know where you're goin?" She asked.

"Yep , i put a tracker on his phone ... Yannoe just in case" i said smiling at her.

After a hour of driving we pulled up to a car park. It was pitch black. We parked the car on the ground floor and headed to the top floor.

As i walked round the corner i saw 2 cars parked up next to each other. Chris's and a black car. Me and Trinity kept quiet so we could hear what they were saying.

"I missed you..." She said hugging him

"I missed you too baby" chris said kissing her passionately.

Trinity and I looked at each other straight away. Tears began pouring out of my eyes. I didnt want Trinity to see me like this so i ran off to the car.

*At home*

"Are you sure you don't want me to stay with you?" Trinity asked

" fine"

I gave her a hug and got outta the car. As i walked into the house i was surpised as Chris was standing right in front of me.

A rage of anger built up inside me and i started slappin him up.

"We're mother fuckin' done!" I yelled.

He had no response, all he done was looked at me. I could tell he was hurt in a way. He knew what i was talking about.

"I guess the mouse finally got caught in the trap now". And i slammed the door.

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