ch. 3

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leon hadn't been doing much when emil arrived, simply browsing through the internet on his laptop. that's when he heard a series of knocks upon the door, snapping him out of his thoughts. he knew it wasn't lukas, lukas would've just let himself in. confused, leon answered the door to see an ominous pair of violet eyes, unmistakable. emil had earmuffs strung around his neck even though the temperature barely dipped into the thirties. leon found it interesting.

"is lukas here?" emil questioned, flushing profusely. that's when leon remembered their last meeting didn't go so well.

"uh, yeah . . . well no, sorry, I don't know what I'm saying," leon awkwardly laughed his little mishap off, but inside he was screaming with pure embarrassment, "er, come in, he should be here soon I think, his classes end . . . soon . . ."

emil laughed softly before brushing past leon and into the room. "thanks."


several moments passed, yet emil didn't say much. he sat on lukas's bed, observing something upon his hands. leon felt awkward having him doing nothing, so he spoke up.

"uh, can I get you anything?"

emil looked up and smiled politely. leon expected him to refuse, but was caught by surprise when he finally requested something.

"I guess I'll have a water, please."

"only water? cmon, we have tea, coffee, anything else?"

emil shook his head, to which leon responded with a curt nod and filled a small glass of water.

"here." leon handed the glass over to emil, who took it with another smile.


leon then settled down on his bed, which he recently moved in to the apartment along with a dresser which both he and lukas agreed to share. it was barely even a couple seconds before leon got up once more.

"can I get you anything else."

"no, why?"

leon sighed loudly, running a hand through his hair. "it's just that you're just sitting there . . . I dunno . . ."

emil smiled. "alright, interest me."

the darker - haired male shifted slightly at emil's reply, but did make his way into the kitchen. "uh, let's see, wow," opening the fridge, leon glanced at the contents with a confused expression, "your brother really has a thing for butter."

"don't ask."


leon closed the fridge and reverted to the pantry instead. he grinned at the contents, grabbing it before slipping back into the main room. he tossed the box over towards emil.

wrinkling his nose, the icelandic boy read the printing. "cheerios?"


emil continued to overturn the cereal box in his hands. "well, do you have any milk?"



"lukas drank it all."

"oh." emil put on a confused expression. "well, I . . . okay."

"don't tell me you've never eaten plain cereal before."

"of course I have!" emil huffed, gripping the edges of the cereal box until his fingers turned white. "I just . . . don't prefer it."

"ah." leon laughed briefly, to which emil returned with a glare. "well, you may as well get used to it, it's not going to kill you."

opening the box, emil tentatively removed a single piece, eyeing it weirdly. finally, he popped it in to his mouth, chewing slowly. his expression was grim.

"oh, and by the way, next time I say interest me, I'd like some milk with my cereal."

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