Live while your young

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Hi! Im kiera, and this is obviously a 1D fanfic. Yes im 11 but Im a true directioner so my fanfic wont be like this:

"Immmma belibeerrrr!" I mean i ain't knockin beliebers but, HECK TO THE NO!

Louis pov:

The boys seem happy. Really happy. The kind of happy you were when you just got a new puppy, when your a kid. I suppose it is my birthday and Christmas Eve so what couldnt be exciting about the day ahead? Well it was a pretty boring morning to be honest, I woke up and the boys each give me £50 for my birthday, we were in 1d manor so even Paul came in with a card for me, (Kevin perched on his shoulder!) But i felt old. Dont laugh at me! Im 21 this year! Only 9 more years till 30. Well for breakfeast i made everyone my pancake surprise; with extra surprise, and Niall had 5 helpings!! I love it when the boys appreciate my cooking. Harry was humming and he came over and give me a huge hug, for no reason! I thought it was odd and now niall is coming over with another present... And its huge!

Nialls Pov

"Omg! Louis has no idea! He has the best day of his life ahead of him! I just hope it all goes well..." Eleanor said in a muffled voice from the box. I replied with shh he's coming!

So yup its pretty short but it gets better! I have ideas. Fan girlie ones.

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