James S Potter's First Day

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So I know that this is supposed to be one shots involving the ships of the marauders, Golden Trio, and the next generation, but since today is September 1st, and James Sirius Potter is  having his first day at Hogwarts today, I figured would write about that.
The commotion at King's Cross was doubled on this day.  Witches and wizards tended to carry that effect with them.  Owls screeched in their cages on top of students' trolleys.  Mothers cried as their children departed from them for the school year. Friends embraced after being apart for the summer. All this was happening due to one particular platform being used. 

Platform 9 3/4 was used only several times a year. It's train tracks were connected to the station at Hogwarts. The train transported young witches and wizards to and from Hogwarts at the beginning and end of the year, and for holidays. Today happened to be September first, and this school year was James S Potter's first year at Hogwarts.

Like every other child getting ready to depart for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, James was bouncing on his heels in excitement with a slightly worried, but never wavering, smile.  He had heard a few tales of when his parents were in school. 

During the times when he had been told these stories, he had been thrilled by the adventures his father had in his teenage years. But now, facing Hogwarts himself, he was a bit nervous.  Voldemort was gone. He knew that.  But he couldn't help but bite his lip and tap his foot, thinking about it.

" Alright, James, darling, just run straight for the barrier. Don't hesitate, and you'll be fine and make it through."

"Yeah, unless a house elf decides otherwise," Harry muttered under his breath.  His wife, Ginny, promptly whacked the back of his head, muttering about how he was not helping.  Ginny seemed to take over some of her mother, Molly Weasley's, traits when she entered motherhood.

" Go on, son, run for it." Harry gave his first born child an encouraging nod. James faced the barrier once again, tightened his knuckles on the trolley a few times, and pushed forward, eyes never wavering until he closed them for  what would have been a crash if the barrier did not hold the magic to take him to Platform 9 3/4.

James sighed in relief, quickly moving away from the barrier, as he looked around.  The noise and amount of magical folk tripled, overwhelming him  in the best possible way.  James was no longer worried, instead elation took over his mind.  He was going to Hogwarts! Suddenly the thought of his own adventures sounded wonderful to him.  He hoped they wouldn't be as deadly as his parents' had been, though.

One by one, his family came through.  First Teddy, his god brother. Then, his siblings Lily and Albus. And finally his parents came, too.  His mother was far past tearing up by the time they were all standing around James, taking turns hugging him, for they knew the whistle for departure would sound soon.

His siblings, although jealous of him going to Hogwarts, expressed their sadness of him leaving them, with hugs, and in Lily's case, a few tears. James bothered them and teased them daily, but after all, they were siblings.  When he got to his parents turns for hugs, he feared with everyone else crying, he may start, too.  He really, really didn't want that to happen, so he stared at the ceiling for a few seconds, drying his tear ducts.  Hugging his mother first, he was squeezed in a tight, comforting hold.

" I love you, dear. Don't get into any trouble, all right?  Have loads of fun."  His mother's choked words were soothing.  Turing to his father, he gave Harry a hug, too.

" Don't listen to your mother. Breaking a few rules is how you have fun.  Just don't get expelled.  I love you."

James laughed an "I love you," back, as his mother once again popped his father on the head. The whistle sounded, and James said one last goodbye, picked up his suitcase, and headed towards the train. Mostly everyone was already seated, so he looked into the compartments, trying to find some people who looked friendly. 

James stopped as he passed one compartment that was full of people who were laughing and playing exploding snap.  The noise barely stopped as he opened the door.  He was greeted excitedly by a boy who looked around his age, and a few others beckoned him inside.
"What's your name?" 
"James Potter."
" Oh. Oh wow. Harry Potter's son. Come sit, my name is Tommy," a boy answered.  The rest of the inhabitants of the compartment gave their name over their rather intense game of exploding snap.  Joining in on both the game and the chatter, James knew that this year would be quite exiting if these people were sharing it with him.

When it was announced that they would soon arrive at Hogwarts, James wondered if the sight of the castle was really as magnificent as he was told.  He tried imagining it, but he knew he could not get the full spectacle until he first stepped foot on the same grounds where his parents, too, had their first days at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  He couldn't wait  to arrive at the place they so often called home.  He couldn't wait for it to be his home, too.

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