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10 years ago...

"Mom No!! Make them Stop!" I screamed at my mom Ami McLaughlin
She looked at me with tears filled in her eyes with sadness then suddenly looked away not bearing the pain.
Every year at my school, LITH (Livin In The Hood) Elementary, a government spy chose 10 kids for a secret agency, Elementary School Experients (ESEA). That year I was one of those children and couldn't have done anything about it.
The scientists made a formula for DNA to cross mix with a different life-form making corrupted DNA. Most times it takes a year for anything to go wrong, but if anything does go wrong they kill you on the spot. That's why they keep you locked for testing.
"Alright sweetheart just close your eyes and that way you won't feel a thing." A young doctor grins and whispers into my ear.
He came closer to me with a freakishly huge needle. As a 6 year old, I hated needles and still do. So, I did what any other six year old child would do. I bit him. He screamed and dropped the needle containing the formula.
To my left I heard giggles. I look to see another girl beside me. I heard she say "I'm Scout" before something covers face and a weight of a person is pressed against my body. I squirm and scream but nobody heard me.
I heard snickers when I felt a sharp pain in my neck, then everything turns black.
They injected me with the formula.

The Present...

"Dresh!" I hear my name being said over and over again, then I feel a pain in my arm. I then realize that I was day dreaming about that time years ago.
I blink my eyes a couple of times and see my eyes change color in a mirror up ahead of me. I become angry as my blood begins to boil.
Storm touches my shoulder and says "Calm down."
I look at her and nod. "I'm ok."
Ever since that day, 10 years ago, Storm and I became friends, and she's the only person I trust. We both escaped and are now in hiding.
We changed our identities, my old name was Jessica and Storm's was Ivanna.
From the age of six, we've been on the run. The agency killed our families, father, mother, siblings and all hoping for us to fall right in their trap.
Our life motto is "Trust No one, Except Yourself."

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