Modern!Naruto x Reader Oneshot: Notice Me Senpai

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A/n: Hey guys, I know you're all waiting patiently for the next chapter of the other book, so I thought I'd write a quick little oneshot for all your loyalty.

Your POV

You sat down in your first period class, reluctantly but excitedly because today you could see your senpai once again. The boy with spiked blonde hair was your treasure ever since you first moved to Konoha High. Though the two of you never talked, you wanted to get to know the boy but every time you tried, you always embarrassed yourself in front of him. You were sure that today would be no different. His name is Naruto Uzumaki-Senpai

All day everyday he was always on your mind, but you didn't care. You were so madly in love with him there was no room for other thoughts. You could barely talk when you were around him and when you did they were either mumbles or stutters. No matter how hardly you tried, you could never look him straight in the eyes, heck, trying to talk to him period was a difficulty.

Sitting through class was a horror, you'd always hoped you were never called on because you were afraid you'd fumble with your words and embarrass yourself in front of Naruto. He sat two rows beside you and one seat in front of you so you could often be caught looking at him. But there was no one to catch you since you weren't very popular in the school. You liked to socially distance yourself from people cause you were always so shy but Naruto-Senpai was another story he was like a forbidden zone to you.

You learned from past experience to talk to him while he was away from his friends because they always made fun of you. But he was nice to you, he didn't make fun of you but he never complimented you. You didn't expect him to either, you were almost certain he liked a girl named Sakura.

When all your classes were finished, you had a break and fortunately so did Naruto-Senpai. At this point in the day, Naruto would usually sit on the bench in front of the school and talk to his friends which gave you the opportunity to watch him from the roof. It was a bit creepy, but you couldn't talk to him and watching him at a distance is a lot less creepy than up close.

When you got to the roof, you saw Naruto but not with a friend, with Sakura. They were talking and laughing together. In all honesty, you hated her for always talking to your senpai. You knew it was wrong to judge a person without ever speaking a word to them, but Naruto was your senpai, not hers. You made the desision to talk to him after school. It wouldn't be about anything personal and you'd try your best not to make it awkward.

After the final bell rang, you grabbed your bag and quickly ran out to the court yard. You looked and looked through the students, but couldn't find him anywhere. Finally, that hard-to-miss hair poked out from the crowd and you ran toward it.

When you came up to him, your readied yourself to speak but when you looked into his enticing blue eyes, you were paralyzed. Immediately stutters came pouring from your lips and the red spots on either of your cheeks grew to crimson blotches.

"U-Um... H-H-Hi N-Naruto-S-S-Se-Senpai..." You mumbled, staring at the suddenly interesting ground.

"Oh, hello." He said.

"Was there something you wanted?" Naruto asked.

"U-u-um..." Dang it, I worked hard to say that, and you didn't even say my name?!

"D-Do you k-know who I-I a-am?" You asked.

"Um... Hm... Let's see you're uh...... Um...." He began snapping his fingers.

"I-It's (Y/n)." You replied.

"Oh yeah, you're that girl who sits alone at lunch." Naruto-Senpai said.

"U-Um... Yeah." You said.

"Why don't you ever look at me? You know it's rude not to look someone in the eyes when they're talking to you." He replied.

Your eyes went wide.

"I-I C-Can't." You stuttered out.

"Why do you always stutter so much? Do I make you feel uncomfortable?" He asked.

You jerked your head up to him.

"N-No! Not at all, it's j-just that-" You began but when you did, you seemed to trip over absolutely nothing and stumbled into Naruto-Senpai.

Fire rose into your cheeks as he caught you, your face buried into his chest.

"Woah, you okay?" Naruto asked.

"I-I-I'm s-sorry, I-I didn't mean t-to d-do th-that." You said.

"It's okay, anyways, was there anything you needed because I've gotta go." He asked and began to walk away.

"W-Wait!" You shouted after him.


You studied his face.

"U-Um... N-Nothing... Goodbye." You said.

He smiled and walked away.

You smiled and let go of the breath you'd been holding in for the past 5 seconds.

"Oh Naruto-Senpai..." You said to yourself watching as he walked away.

The next day on your break, you decided to meet Naruto at the bench instead of watching him. But you were too late, some of his friends were already there. You looked down in sadness, looking at them on the bench laughing and having a good time while you stood there in the doorway alone.

Maybe if you walked by, he'd notice you and break away from his friends. You walked by them slowly.

"Hey, you're that girl from yesterday right?" Naruto-Senpai asked.

You didn't care if you were just "that girl from yesterday" your senpai noticed you! You smiled.

"I think your legs are bleeding, your skirt is all bloody." Naruto said.

You looked down at your skirt to see that he was right, but not because your legs were bleeding. Oh senpai, you're so oblivious. You frowned as you noticed his friends laughing at you.

"Haha, dude, her legs aren't bleeding, that's a period stain hahahaha!" His friend said.

Dang it, if only he didn't say that.

Naruto stared at you, not laughing or smirking, just staring at you.

He got up and gripped your arm, walking away from everyone.

"N-Naruto-Kun, what are you doing?" You asked.

"I'm taking you to the nurse." He said.

"O-Okay." You said.

When you got to the nurse, you changed your underwear and were given something to take care of your blood. When you walked out, Naruto was standing there with his arms folded over his chest.

"Th-thank you for taking me here." You said.

"It was no problem... Listen I'm really sorry about them... They can be real jerks sometimes." Naruto replied.

"It's okay, I'm used to it... Anyways... I should be going, classes are going to start up soon." You murmured, beginning to walk away.

"Wait." Naruto said.

You turned back, only to come face to face with Naruto-Senpai.

"U-Um..." You stuttered blushing.

"Your eyes are beautiful..." He mumbled leaning closer to you until your lips connected in a kiss.

It didn't last long though, but you didn't care, your senpai had finally noticed you.

Modern!Naruto X Reader Oneshot: Notice Me SenpaiWhere stories live. Discover now