Chapter 6

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Dawnpaw licked her brown paw, frustrated.

Appleheart was trying to teach her about goldenrod, but she wanted to go hunting with her friends.

It had been 6 days since the apprentices had sat down and just talked. Dawnpaw was longing to just cuff them over the ears and play, like when they had been kits.

But now she had responsibilities, and she had to deal with them.


The young apprentice looked up to see Appleheart looking at her with narrowed eyes. "You have to learn these things, Dawnpaw." She chided gently, though the dawn-colored she-cat could tell she was annoyed.

Dawnpaw sighed. "Alright..." She murmured. Appleheart snorted and pushed the herb forward.

The apprentice immediately began to inspect it. The plant was tall and had yellow flowers blooming from the top.

"This is goldenrod. It's good for speeding up the healing process." Meowed her mentor. Dawnpaw nodded slowly, quickly reciting the use in her head.

There was a rustle from the ferns behind them. Dawnpaw's ears swerved toward it as she turned. Eaglestar stood there, his tail twitching.

"Appleheart? Sorry to bother you, but can I take Dawnpaw out? She hasn't gotten to see the territory yet." He meowed calmly.

Dawnpaw gasped and turned to the older she-cat, hope sparking in her chest. Appleheart blinked, then nodded. "Of course."

Dawnpaw jumped up, her fur fluffing out. The tom purred, turning and padding out of the den. The apprentice quickly followed. Eaglestar led her out of camp into the thick forest.

"I won't take you everywhere, but I'll take you where I think are most important." He meowed, flicking his tail over her ear. She nodded.

The brown tom led her through trees, his paw steps confident. Dawnpaw gazed around excitedly, her eyes large. 'So this is the forest...'

The trees were tall and the leaves blocked the sun from shining directly through. It left a nice shade, keeping her cool as they walked. She scented the air, smelling mice and birds around her.

Eaglestar stopped ahead of her. She quickly hurried to catch up. Looking out, she saw a large lake and a sandy bank with pebbles strown about. The sun reflected off the water, shining in her eyes.

"This is the lake. All clan territories touch the lake, and we all meet upon that island to have our gatherings." Meowed the tom, pointing to land out in the water.

The island was surrounded by trees. The only thing she could see that would get them there was a large log, looking as though it had fallen across hundreds of moons before.

Before she knew it, she was being lead to back into the forest. Her eyes glowed happily as they padded through the trees.

Dawnpaw stopped as she scented a mouse nearby. She glanced pleadingly at Eaglestar, who nodded. Smiling widely, she crouched, stalking after its scent.

Soon, she saw a lump of brown fur sitting on a tree root. She wiggled her haunches before launching herself at it.

But before her paws could even land, she was knocked aside. She tumbled a tail length away, letting out a yelp, then sat up.

Redpaw held the mouse in his jaws, holding his head high. When he noticed Dawnpaw, he tipped his head and dropped it. "What are you doing out here?"

She pouted. "I was hunting a mouse!" She snorted, putting her nose in the air. She heard him laugh. "You? Hunting?" You should stick to herbs, Flowerpaw."

Dawnpaw flinched. Did he really call her that? She pinned her ears back, feeling a bit betrayed. "Fine!" She snapped, standing and barging through the bushes.

"Hey, Dawnpaw! I was just kidding!"

The apprentice ignored him as she padded back onto the trail. Eaglestar was waiting by a tree. Seeing her upset face, he tilted his head. "What's wrong?"

"Redpaw caught my mouse, told me to stick to herbs, and called me Flowerpaw!" She growled. Eaglestar blinked. "Forget about him. You could have caught it." He meowed soothingly.

Dawnpaw flicked her tail dismissively. "Whatever..." She grunted. The leader simply rolled his eyes playfully and padded off with her following.

* * * * *

By the time Dawnpaw entered camp, the sun was slowly falling. She tiredly padded over to the fresh kill pile, her paws feeling like stone, and picked up a thrush.


The orange apprentice turned to see Silverpaw sitting outside the apprentice den, eating a mouse. She was beckoning Dawnpaw with her tail.

Reluctantly Dawnpaw crossed the clearing and laid down beside her friend. Silverpaw gave her ear a friendly lick, smiling.

"So, how's training going?" Asked the silver-furred she-cat. She just blinked. "Ok, I guess..."

Silverpaw tilted her head. "C'mon, Dawnpaw. Usually your so upbeat!" The turquoise-eyed apprentice meowed, starting to eat again.

Dawnpaw shook her head, taking a bite of the thrush. "I-It's nothing. How are you doing with you training?" She asked softly.

Silverpaw smiled widely. "So far, I'm the best at hunting! Redpaw and Whitepaw are better at fighting, though. Speaking of Redpaw, I heard you had a run in with him..." She snorted.

The orange apprentice tipped her head. "Why'd you snort?" She asked, finishing up her prey.

Her friend rolled her eyes. "Redpaw's gotten way too confident after he overpowered Whitepaw in a battle practice. Seriously, he thinks he's the boss now!"

Dawnpaw looked at her paws. "He called me Flowerpaw." She murmured. Silverpaw blinked in surprise, then bristled.

"That arrogant burr! Ugh, don't worry about it. I'll claw his ear later." She meowed sternly.

Dawnpaw just laughed.

* * * * *

Long time no update!
Yea, I'm bad at puns.
But seriously, I haven't updated I FOREVER.
I hope you enjoy!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2015 ⏰

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