Untitled Part 1

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"Class, please welcome our new student." the teacher said, and the class stared blankly at the new girl.

"Hello." the new girl said. "My name's Dawn."

"Please have a seat, Dawn." Dawn scanned the room, looking for a empty seat. Her eyes fell on an empty seat close to the back of the classroom, next to a boy with his head down. Dawn walked to the seat, and sat down. The boy looked up, and Dawn smiled. The boy said nothing, and looked away. Dawn turned to the girl next to her.

"Who's that boy?" she asked. The girl looked over.

"His name is Emmett."

"Why doesn't he smile?" The girl gave a sigh.

"A few months ago, his parents were in a car accident. They both died. He hasn't talked much since. Now he lives with his uncle, just a couple blocks from here, but I hear that he's drunk most of the time. Not abusive though. The poor guy has been through a lot."

Dawn stared at the front of the classroom with a vacant expression. She decided then and there that she was going to make Emmett smile. She brought him treats, and cards, told him jokes, and anything else that she could think of. Still, Emmett refused to smile. After several months of this, Dawn wanted to give up. Walking out of the school, tired and slightly upset. She missed the last step, and tripped, sending her books flying.

She didn't get up. Tears streaming from her face, she looked at the cuts on her arms and knees. Then, she heard footsteps, and she saw a hand pick up her books out of the corner of her eye. Dawn lifted her head. Emmett offered her his hand, and smiled at her. Dawn looked at him, her blue eyes meeting his grey ones, she took his hand, and she smiled too.

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