Chapter 1

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The lights flicked on in dorm room number 5, on the second floor of of the Alpha girls dormitory. Sabrina stepped in, feeling the cool linoleum tiles under her feet. "Ok, this is good..." she said stuttering "I can do this." She crossed the room, watching the girls in the room across the hall. They starred back. Some of their eyes looked glassy, others glazed, and still others look frightened.

Finally she made her way to the counter top. She reached out for the candle dangling from her shaky hand and stabilized it in front of the sink -and more importantly the mirror- then caught the matchbox that was thrown across the hall.

"Ok," she said again before flicking a match against the counter. I quick hiss came from the match as if it were in pain before it lit into an ember glow. The young women watched the flame a moment then quickly moved it to the candle. After the candle was lit she dropped the match into the water filled sink just as it would've burned her.

Across the hall the door to the room slowly shut, blocking out the light. Sabrina gasped and shut her eyes out of fear. "I've gotta do this," she said, sounding rushed. Slowly she managed to open her eyes, and starred into the blackness before finding the candle.

She used the light from the flame to find the mirror, then slowly reached out and trace her way up to her own face. In the mirror she first focused on her hair, the caramel swirls almost covered her pasty white face. She was normally a olive colour, if not a dim tan.

In this lighting her skin was a chalky haze of grey and her hair was a shaggy, dirty looking brown. she bit her lip hard enough to taste blood before finally finding in herself to look into her own eye -like the older girls had told her to do- she looked and saw her normal hazel eyes, but here they looked dark, with just specks of herself shining through from the smoky flame.

"Bloody," she began, sucking in sour breath of smoke from the candle. half-choking she continued "Bloody -Bloody Mary. Bloody Mary... Bloody Mary. I have your baby." She jumped back and closed her eyes, half expecting the specter to appear.

When Sabrina finally opened her eyes she only saw a scared young women with shaggy, dirty looking hair and chalky skin. She almost laughed. "I should've known there was no Bloody Mary." she almost spat, knocking her fist against the mirror.

A few moments later another girl -Terra- came into the bathroom. She followed the same steps as Sabrina. Terra's appearance was diff rent though, she was visibly shaking, her unnaturally blue hair pinned high above her head in a ponytail. Her blue eyes appearing grey.

"Bloody Mary," She said, her words very quickly and shaky "Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary. I've got ya'lls baby." Her accent was deep, but her fear was clear. She shut her eyes much like Sabrina.

Although unlike her predecessor when Terra opened her eye she was not looking at herself. The girl looking back appeared to be no more that seventeen. Her hair was snow White and seemed endless as it draped her shoulders. Her skin had an ominous glow. But worst was her eyes,  as looked like she was blind, with any colour long gone.

The phantom's makeup was thick and seemed to circle her eyes like a raccoon, her lips tight in a small line. She didn't look sad, or mad, or happy. She partly looked alive.

Suddenly the girl in the mirror acted as if she could see, placing a hand against the glass, long nails running across it. "You can see me," The girl seemed to say, although her lips didn't move. Her face was twisted into fear. "someone can see me," she girl said. Then her eyes seemed to dim -showing what little light was in them vanish- then just as quickly as she was there she disappeared.

Terra blinked. She found her own hand positioned on the mirror opposite where the girls was, her own face in the expression of the girl. "I was looking at myself," she finally said, her voice limping, and lifeless. The she laughed. "I should've known," she began "Bloody Mary ain't nothing but a myth. My momma was right when she said they'd try to scare me off the first night." Then she opened the door and crossed the hall as another girl slipped in the bathroom around her.

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