1. Meeting For The First Time

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Selene's P.O.V.

I was on the balcony of a building looking down into the streets below. Watching for any signs of the lycans. My partner Rigel was across from me on another building taking pictures for me. After a couple of minutes, he nodded to me giving me the signal. He jumped down and I followed five seconds later. We were trying to keep from arousing suspicion from the humans. Our war is unknown to them and we're to keep it that way. The only problem is the lycans seem to fire at us in full view of the public lately. It's been like that for the last couple of weeks and I'm curious as to why.

I walk into the subway station and lean against a wall. A well built, skinny, blonde man looks my way and our eyes lock. He turns around and I lean back into the shadows. When he turns back around to face me, I am obscured from his view. But I can clearly see HIM still. My insides tingle in a way that makes me want to talk to him. Just those bright blue eyes of his make me want to get lost in them. But I have to focus. I'm on a serious mission right now. Though I think I may sought him out later tonight.

I refocus on my mission and then one of the lycans spots Rigel. *Oh, PERFECT.* I thought. He yells out bloods which is their name for us vampires and starts shooting. My team and I follow along shooting right back at them. The humans all flee trying to stay away from stray bullets. Rigel is shot and I watch as he seems to burn from the inside out like he had swallowed sunlight. I run after the lycan that shot him and I hear a girl scream as she's hit by one of their bullets. I turn to see the man of my thoughts jump at her taking her to a safe corner to try and save her. *He must be some sort of doctor or nurse.* Another lycan grabs him by the hair and before it can continue, I shoot it turning its attention to me. When it sees me, it runs in fear knowing he knows my reputation for killing most of their kind myself. I run after him and eventually catch up with him. I shoot him until he falls and I shoot him again three more times in the chest just for the hell of it and to make sure he's dead. I grab the gun he was using and opened the mag. It was filled with bullets that were filled with some kind of liquid radiation. I closed the mag back up, grabbed Rigel's camera, and listened to the suddenly seemingly empty station. I hear a distant growl and follow it. Then I hear more growls and know there must me more than just a few. Something wasn't right and I fled back to the mansion.

Michael's P.O.V.

I was sitting on the train going to work when my mind went back to that woman clad in tight black leather at the station. Her dark brown eyes locked with mine and I just wanted to get lost in them. I noticed she was pale-skinned and that just made her seem like an ANGEL. A dark angel, but an angel none the less. *I wonder if she's single.* A voice in my mind said. *No. I'm not ready for another relationship. Not after Samantha. I can't rush back into the dating world.* *Oh. And stay more like a living corpse for another two years?!?* It screamed back. *Maybe you're right. I'll seek her out after work.* I thought back and sighed.

The train stopped and I got off running the rest of the way to the hospital. When I got to my locker to put on my uniform, my best friend Adam Lockwood was there doing the same. "Good evening, Adam." I greeted as I opened my locker beside his.

"Good evening. You're a bit late."

"There was a delay at the station. Nothing I could control." I replied.

"Ready for tonight? This is your first major surgery since we started."

"Yeah. A little nervous, but I'll be alright."

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