Chapter 1

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Beep, beep, beep

I groan as i wake up. I don't feel like getting up to another day of this boring town, but i suck it up and tell myself two more years until i can leave and never come back i know that sounds mean but i don't care if you live here than you would know how i feel. Just as I'm about to get up i get this strange feeling that something interesting is going to happen today but i ignore it like any other day because nothing ever happens. So i go to my closet and get a white pair of skinny jeans with a long cream off the shoulder shirt paired with my cream uggs and and white bow (i have a thing with bows) after i go to the bathroom and do my usual routine which includes brushing my teeth, washing my face, and doing my hair and makeup.

When i finish i go downstairs grab a piece of toast and run out the door to the bus stop. The bus finally comes 10 mins later and i was so happy cause i was just about to freeze my toes off it takes a 15 minute ride to get to school which is like a hour walk to school which is why i don't walk to school anymore cause i had to wake up a 1 earlier plus walk in the cold, but just because i don't walk anymore or do anything in this town doesn't mean I'm fat I'm a perfect 110 which it pretty good because I'm not to skinny like them anorexic hoes in my school And I'm not to fat.

I get on the bus and plug in my iPod to my earphones and put on radioactive by imagine dragons thats like my favorite song ever since the movie the host came out. Just because we are a small town doesn't mean were behind it actually means were a head of people cause we have nothing to do.

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