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I now know how to use my powers. I don't get how fire can help people. Maybe with a fire place? i have no idea. Anyway its 12:00 a.m. Daniel is making a late dinner and Mack is figuring out her powers. The lady at the library gave us here phone number just in case if someone finds out about us. Its actually scared because people can try and take you and experiment on you so other people could have powers. After 5 minutes later when I said that all the lights when off. "Sorry everybody." Mack said. All of the lights turned off in the whole city! then they came back on. we turn on the news. " This evening all of Los Angeles power went of and police are trying to find out how this happened" I had to shut off the TV off. The women from the library called us. " Hello ms. Fay, whats wrong" My powers can also let me hear everything. I tried to hide is so Mack wouldn't be scared. " GUYS WE NEED TO NOW" Daniel screamed. We raced out the door and Daniel took us to the beach were we found the rocks. "Okay Ms. Fay said we need to touched the rocks to get rid of our powers because the power has a tracking device on it". Daniel and Mack touched to the rocks. After they did they still looked the same. They started running under the pier into the ocean. " Come on Mal!!" Mack screamed. I finally ran into the ocean. Before my feel touched the water. My hands started glowing. I didn't want to get rid of my powers so I went back and touched the rock. My powers are to important to me. It just made my dad and I closer. I ran back into the ocean under the pier. We came up to take a deep breath. My hands were still glowing. I had to get out of the water. I ran onto the pier. Police were following me. I stopped that the end of the pier. Police stayed back about 200 feet. The lady from the library came up to me."Good luck" she said. And pushed me off of the pier. When i touched the water the water glowed like fire and went back to blue. I ran out of the water and ran to the car. Daniel and Mack met me at the car. I was driving. I don't really know how to drive but I tried my best.

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