Chapter Fourteen

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.:Chapter Fourteen:.

"What the hell Liam?!" I rage, glaring at him.

My emotions right now are not in a good state. Right now all I want to do is pound on Liam over and over; but he's my friend and I know that's obviously not the right choice but it would make me feel so much better.

Liam looks completely horrified and I clench my jaw, getting even angrier than before. That little bastard ruined everything! I told them that I don't want our first kiss – let's get real, the only kiss – to be from a measly game that means nothing. Does no one listen anymore?!

"I'm s-sorry Harry, I-I didn't know what I was d-doing," Liam trembles, his bottom lip wobbling. "I didn't even r-realize what I was saying until it was t-too late..."

I feel tears appear in my eyes and I groan, running to my room and slamming the door shut. I just run and throw myself on the bed. I let the tears fall and I scream into my pillow; grabbing a fistful of the sheets, holding onto them as tight as I possibly can. I just let myself go and sob, not caring about anything in the world right now.

The question is though: why did he run away? I probably embarrassed him in front of the others by rejecting him. I also never say no to a dare and that was the first time I ever said no so that must have seemed rude to him or something. I'm such an idiot.

I begin to cry even harder and I hear the door open behind me. I don't even bother looking up, I just continue to cry. I hear the door shut again and I think: good, they should all just leave me alone and let me cry myself to sleep.

I feel the bed sink down which means more weight's added to it.

Oh great, whoever it is decided to stay.

"Harry," a gentle voice says.

I immediately know who it is. I sniff as my "hi" and continue to cry. I can tell that I'm getting restless but I continue to cry my heart out. I feel their arms wrap around me as they pull my head into their lap. I just begin to sob even more and bury my face into their lap.

I continue to cry in his lap for a few more minutes before I push him away gently and sit up, wiping my eyes. Niall approaches me but I scoot away from him, just wanting to be alone. I need to cry all alone, I don't want any company right now.

"Niall I a-appreciate you coming here b-but I really need to b-be alone...," I say, hiccupping at the same time because of all the crying.

Niall nods and gently pecks my cheek and gives me a famous Horan hug before leaving and shutting the door. I leave my door unlocked and the bathroom door unlocked – just in case – and then I shut my blinds and turn off my lamp, wanting to be in complete and utter darkness.

I take off my clothes except for my boxers and then hop into bed, wrapping myself up in the blankets and curling up into a little ball. I let the tears fall and I sniffle, burying my face in my pillow. Right now I just want to be asleep and not have to think about any of this.

But obviously, it's not that easy and it's the only thing my brain can think about. His final look on his face before he left is stuck in my brain and I can only picture Louis with that face now. It's not a pretty sight and I just want to cry even harder but it's not physically possible.

Half an hour later – it feels more like hours though – I finally begin to feel restless and my eyes clothes. One more tear falls from my closed eyelid and I yawn, feeling so tired because of all the crying and the pain.

I think about Louis without realizing and I let out one last broken sob before I suddenly fall into a deep sleep.

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