Chapter 2

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"Clara! Clara! Wake up!"

Someone lifted my shoulders off the floor and gently shook my body.

"Clara, wake up," urged my mother's voice.

As my eyelashes fluttered open and I stared into my mother's deep blue eyes. Northing but concern flashed back at me.

"Have a drink of this," came a familiar voice.

I turned around and came face to face with my grandmother, Cat Greystone. Her tanned skin had wrinkled slightly since I had last seen her but her warm smile remained the same.

I took a sip of the liquid in the white ceramic mug. My nose scrunched in response to the bitter liquid as it hit my lips.

"I know, I know," said my grandmother. "It doesn't taste very nice. But do finish it, as it will make you feel better."

Squeezing my eyes shut, I reached up and pinched my nose as I swallowed the remaining liquid.

"What happened?" I asked, totally confused as to why I was sitting on the floor.

"You're dehydrated and you passed out," said my father, handing me a large glass of water. "You need fluids."

I sipped on the water and looked around the room. Liam stood with a concerned look on his face from the doorframe.

After finishing the glass of water, my father helped me to my feet.

"We should have been more careful," he said in a strained voice.

"Careful?" I asked.

"Ah, yes," responded my mother quickly. "Because the same thing happened to Liam after you caught him sleepwalking, remember?"

Nodding, I eased myself back on to the bed.

My grandmother reached down and gave me a quick squeeze. "I'll get you another glass of water."

"Thanks, Grandma."

"Listen, Clara," said my mother, a guilty expression taking over her worried face. "We feel terrible... but your father and I need to leave in a half an hour. If we wait any longer, we'll miss our flight."

My eyes welled up with tears. For some reason, being ill always made me feel like a little girl again.

"I know, sweetheart. I'm so sorry," said my mother blinking back tears.

"Your grandparents are quite good at looking after sick patients," said my dad with an empathetic smile. "Plus, if you play it off a bit longer, they'll spoil you rotten," he added.

"Okay," I said quietly. I didn't want them to miss their trip, but I hated being sick and away from home.

"We'll call as soon as we land," said my mother.

"And every day we can after that," added my father. "Jungle reception can be iffy."

"What if I need to see a doctor?" I asked in a shaky voice.

"There's a clinic about twenty miles from here," said my dad. "Your grandparent's won't hesitated to take you there if you need to see a doctor."

"Alright," I said, feeling slightly better.

After ten minutes of checking my temperature and making sure I had enough water to drink, my parents hugged me goodbye.

"We love you," said my mother.

"Yes and we'll miss you loads," added my father.

Liam walked with them out to the car as I watched from the window. His little shoulders slumped as they drove away. Trying to be brave, he turned and ran back to the house.

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