The Doll

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*I rated this wrong it should've been pg not pg13 lol my bad*

"Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Alice, Happy Birthday to you!!", I blew out the 7 candles, and after the cake was finished it was time to open presents. I got a lot of cool things but my favorite was the last present i opened, it was a handmade doll. It had soft hair, smooth skin, and hand-knitted dress she was very pretty. After the party, I went upstairs to my room to play with my doll, and i decided to name her Grace.I realized something strange on the back of Grace, there was a dried blood mark that seemed like it had been washed several times. I just ignored it. I played with Grace until bedtime. Then after i brushed my teeth my mommy tucked Grace and I in. As she turned off the lights she said "goodnight my new 7 year old" and blew a kiss and shut the door. The next morning, Grace wasn't next to me where I left her. I saw her sitting on the floor across the room. I went to pick her up and asked my mom if she moved grace while I was asleep, she said "nope", "oh okay" I replied suspiciously. I walked back into my room and found a note under the place where Grace was sitting, the words read "I used to live like you Alice, perfect, rich, and loved. But yet I had to go, if I don't deserve a life why should anyone? That's why I will make any owner of mine suffer like I did and you will become one of me". The words were in very sloppy handwriting. I folded the note up and put it on my dresser. I picked Grace up and started to comb her hair suspiciously. I won't tell my mom, but only until it gets real bad because she won't believe me. The rest of the day went on pretty normally. Then it was bedtime again. My mommy tucked me and Grace in and shut the door. While I was sleeping I felt Grace turn over I looked at my side and saw her turned the opposite way, that's when I decided to tell my mom everything that was going on because it was really scaring me. The next morning I looked on my dresser for the note and it was gone. I checked on the floor behind the dresser and I couldn't find it. I know I put it on there and now I have no proof to show my mom, so i couldn't tell her because she wont believe me. After breakfast we went to the pool later. I didn't bring Grace with me to the pool i left her on my bed. When we came back from the pool, Grace wasn't on my bed I went around the house looking for her, then I opened the bathroom door and found my pet hamster Scott dead on the floor with Grace behind him. The first glance I took of Scott I let out loud shriek. My mom came running in, she found me lying on the floor crying. She kept asking me what happened, I pointed to Scott where he was dead bleeding, and then I looked up and Grace was gone again. I stood up and wiped my tears and my mom said "oh honey i'm so sorry about Scott I wonder what happened." she picked Scotty up by the tail and threw him away. Then my mom said " luckily the trash man is coming tomorrow". Then I ran in my room hoping Grace was there, I found her sitting on my bed and her hair got messy somehow. I tried brushing her hair but it just stayed the same. I realized an X cover in blood on Grace's arm, I wiped it and it smeared. I went to show my mom and when I pointed to it to show her it was gone. My mom asked "what?" then I said "never mind", Then she asked "why is Grace's hair so messy?", "i don't know" I replied. Then I walked back into my room. Then it was time to go to bed again and I went to sleep right away, while I was asleep it felt like someone was taking over my body. When I woke up I went to go eat breakfast, then after that I went to take a bath.  While I was in the bath a small cut appeared on my arm, I just let the water heal it. Then something pushed me down under the water and held me there, but  I didn't see anyone. I started kicking and screaming, then my mom came running in and pulled me back above water and said "what are you doing!!". I took a minute to catch my breath and started to cry, and said to my mom "something pushed me underwater, I promise mommy!". She said "nonsense your probably just hollusinating", I just stared at her with a confused look. Then she just said "hurry up we're going to the grocery store" as she walked out of the bathroom and shut the door. I hopped out of the bath wrapped a towel around me and let the water go down the drain. After I got dressed we went to the grocery store like my mom said and this time I brung Grace with me. As we were strolling around in the store I started to get a throbbing pain in my left ankle, it hurt enough to make me limp. I said to my mom "mommy my foot hurts", she said " we're about to leave. As her words we left the store, and when I got home I took off my left shoe and my foot was purple and swollen. I screamed "Mommy!!!!" she came running towards me and then she saw my foot and picked me up and put me in the car. I asked her where we were going and she said to the  hospital. We pulled up to the hospital and my mommy picked me up and carried me into the hospital and the doctor could see me as soon as possible. They took x-rays of my foot and as soon as the results came in the doctor told me what was going on with my foot. He said the growth plate had seperated in my ankle, then he asked me how this happened. I said " I don't know, I was just walking through the store and I started feeling sharps pains in my foot". Then he said "ok we're going to put your foot in a cast for 4 weeks", I agreed. I picked orange for the color of the cast, and they gave me a pair of crutches to take home, then we were on our way home. When we walked into my house I went straight up to my room and screamed at Grace, i knew she was doing all of this to me, then I threw her on the floor. Then I had this sharp pain that was pounding in my stomache, it felt like someone was shooting me. I walked over to Grace and threw her on the floor but harder then at first. The pain in my stomache hurt even more, then I saw that powder started coming out of her and i got a small cut when it came out. So I kept throwing her and everytime I threw her more powder would come out but I would get more cuts but it was worth it. Then I threw her as hard as I could and then there was no more Grace and I had a huge cut on my back. I ran into the bathroom without my mom seeing me and washed all of my cuts, you couldn't even tell they were there. Then I walked back into my room and saw Grace sitting on my bed with a grin and dirty and a little bit ripped up. I snatched her up and went into the living where my mom was and the fireplace was burning. I said to my mom " im sorry mommy but I have to do this" as I threw Grace into the fireplace. My mommy asked " why did you do that?" I said "because she was haunting me mommy , I didnt tell you because you wouldnt believe me and I bet you still dont believe me!" "yes I do "she replied as she gave me a hug. I asked "how come you didn't believe me when the she pushed me under the water?". She said " because honey........I had a flashback, when I was your age I had the same problem but it was with a stuffed bunny, I loved her until she started to haunt me like you" she tapped my nose. Then gave me a big tight squeeze, then we both saw Grace sitting on the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2011 ⏰

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