chapter 2

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"Hey Little chick" i hear jake say as he walks towards me.

"hi jake" i say as i roll my eyes.
jake and i have been friends for years. we met in 2nd grade and he was a strange boy and i was the strange girl.

"well arent you in a swell mood this lovely morning" he says as he opens his arm for a hug.
"yea well i didnt excatly sleep great last night, and then i woke up to a pleasent surprise" i say as i gave him a hug.
"and what would that pleasent surprise be?"
"well i thought i lost my sister this morning and then she told me she had a new friend."
"oh well thats great. whos this new friend of hers?" he says.  

"oh u know just a little imaginary girl" 
he gives me a weird look. "an imaginary friend?"
"yep. so anyways, how was your weekend?" i say. trying to change the subject. for some reason talking about imaginary friends gave me the creeps.
"it was good. sorry i missed the cookout, Josh got in a fight with some gang member and so i had to be there to get him out of the trouble he got himself in." Josh was Jakes brother, josh was always getting in a fight with someone. it effected their family. It got so bad Jake spent the night at my house a lot just to get away from the yelling and violence.
he came over so often, he had his own room at my house. i feel sorry for Jake.
he had to live with a family who didnt care about him, and was always hurting him.
"it's fine, i understand. so are you ready for the slumber party tonight?" i asked him. 

i hated the thought of him not having a good family to go home to in the evenings.
"yea. i'm just gonna go home with you if you dont mind. i'd rather not go home before the party.."
he trailed off, as though he was thinking of something that might happen if he want home.
"um yea that's fine. you don't mind helping me take care of ashley until mom and dad took her to grandma's house. do you?" Jake was really good at helping me with Ashley, he had a way with children. 
"no i don't mind. i love littl kids. i don't think iv'e ever babysat a little kid that behaved as well as Ashleey, she's really good." he says. he loved kids and kids loved him.
"yea. well she definitly loves having you around" i say. 
"well i definitly love being around your family" he says. he has a huge smile on his face.
"haha yea i'm pretty sure we all knew that already" we both start walking to our first class.
we both were in all the same classes. for years we've made sure that we take the same classes. Jake is really smart, no matter how much he pretends to know.
"hey Girly," i hear a familiar voice say.

i turn around to see Stacy. i look at her and wonder why i can't be that freaking pretty. 
"hi how's your wonerful life going Stacy" Jake says. 
i almost forgot he waas there. 
"Jake, we all know how things are at your house. but that don't mean you have to hate people who have perfect lives." i gave her a weird look.
"Well Stacy, aren't you just in a great mood." i say. she is rarely like this. she must've had therapy today.
she's always in a bad mood when she gets back from there. im pretty sure it does more bad then good for her.
"well i had you know that yesterday  i had a doctors appointment after lunch yesterday cause i was having another migraine and a really bad stomachache. and i haven't had my per--"
"ummm i think i'll go and get to class and let you two talk." Jake said. i knew he hated it when Stacy and i talked about "girly things".
"haha ok Jake i'll see you in a few" i said. i can't believe that Stacy was mean today.
she's normally quite nice. but i guess every person has off days.
"so as i was saying Anna, i hadn't gotten my per--" she was interupted once again.
"hello" Hannah says as she runs over to me and gives me a huge hug.
"um hi. what's up with you. you look like Bradon asked you out or something" i say. kinda shocked that she was so happy and energetic this morning. especally since it's morning. Brandon was one of the popular guys. Hannah had a HUGE crush on him. but i had no interest in ever looking at a dumbass jerk like him.
"Well you know how i told you that i wasn't gonna be able to come tonight unless I got an A in the science test yesterday?" she says. almost yelling at me and stacy.
"yea what about it?" i ask. which was stupid of me. why the hell would she be telling me this in a happy voice if it was bad news.
"Well i got an A+!!" she says.
by now she's jumping up and down and doing her weird happy dance.
"Oh my god! yay! so your coming tonight right?" i say. im so happy for her.
"yes of course!" she says. she looks over and realizes that Stacy was looking annoyed.
"oh um Stacy did i interupt you?" she said quietly. 
"uh yea kinda.. but it's fine. anyways so who's coming tonight?" stacy responds. i know she dislikes Hannah, but she tolerates her because i like her.
"um you"i say as i point to Stacy. " Hannah of course. um jake, Mike, ray and i think amanda. she had to ask her parents but they wont answer her. so she will show up or she wont." i say. 
"oh okay. um im going home with you, if thats ok" Hannah says.
"um yea thats fine. Jake is also coming home with me instead of going home first." i say.

we start walking to our first class.
"We all know why" Stacy says. i stop in my tracks.
"whats that supposed to mean?" i say. i know that she knows about jake and his family.
but i didnt know how much she knew.
"well the fact that he comes to school with scars, cuts and bruises every day says alot. doesnt it?" Stacy says.
"uh yea sure" i say. i just wanted to get off the subject. i hated Jakes family and the way people treated him, it wasnt right but there was nothing i could do about it.
i just wish that Jake wasnt with the family he was with. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2015 ⏰

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