Missed Oppertunity

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Missed Opportunity

"Yes Martian, I'll let you know my decision! Thank you so much for this opportunity! I won't let you down, I promise. Bye now!" My boss had phoned me to let me know that I had got the post for my new job at the photography agency I worked for but I had to decide if I wanted to take it within the next few days. He had obviously told me on my way to work as he wanted me to accept as soon as I saw him in that mornings meeting. So in my new brightly state, as I was excited that I got the job, I walked briskly down Kings Cross station to catch my train.

I love walking through Kings Cross everyday, I see all sorts of things, sad parents waving their children goodbye, but also parents seeing their children for the first time after a while. People in love, people on first dates, I've even seen a proposal before.  It fills my heart a little that people can love someone that much. All I've had is me, my dog and my job. Of course I had my family but they didn't live in London. I moved when I was 19 when I thought the world was my oyster and I would get a job and earn my way through the world, fall in love and start a family. But at 26 and only having the odd girlfriend I was starting to wonder if it would ever happen. That was until one day I saw a girl on the opposite side of the rail line to me. Admiring from afar, I saw the same beautiful girl everyday getting on the same train at the same time probably going to work just like I was. But that day I got promoted I saw her train leave I decided that I would try and get her attention before her train left  the morning.

As soon as I arrived at work I was congratulated and celebrated the whole day by my colleagues for getting the promotion, that I did accept as soon as I saw him as I thought he would want me to do in the first place. But I was in no mood for celebrating. I wanted to speak to my mystery girl. She took over my mind. I was not concentrating in meetings and my head was all over the place. That whole day is just a blur my memory. Now that I think of it I don't even think I drank a single cup of coffee and that is very unusual for me.  Even that night I couldn't sleep because I was thinking of her. Before I finally fell asleep I decided was going to speak to her and ask to have a coffee.

The next morning I took my usual route but I was a bit late. probably from the lack of sleep from the night beforewith a spring in my step. I probably looked ridiculous but I didn't care. I was going to meet the mystery girl who was taking over my mind through her beautiful look and smart way about her. Even from a distance I could tell that about her. She was truly something.

"Excuse me!" is what I heard coming from behind me. it was a woman's voice so I turned to see who it was, out of nosiness, curiosity or fate but I still don't know, but I felt like I knew her once I saw her. like I had seen her before. she had passed me before I realised who it was, it was her! I picked up the pace in hope to catch her. I cant believe I missed the chance to catch her at that moment. But all I could do was catch up with her. by the time I got to the platform stairs she had gotton on the train. the only meeting I had to be in for was at 1 o'clock and  I wouldn't be missed as I technically didn't start my new job until monday so it wouldn't of hurt of I never went in. but then I told myself not to be silly  and to get on the train. I would talk to her the next day.

the next day never came. I waited at my side of the steps looking for her. I sat for a good half an hour just looking where she usually sits on the bench. her train came and wentand 10 minutes later my train came. this happened for a few weeks continuosly and she still never showed up. I had to give up after a while. I think this fasination of the girl had taken up about 6 months of my life in the end. I started gto slack a lot at work, missing deadlines, missplacing work and there was even a threat of putting me back in my old job. so I just decided to eventually give up. afterall, the mystery girl would have probably turned the other way at me.


as I was walking down the steps to get the train. I thought to myself how great it was that I could actually get the later one on time for work and even have a lie in! I didn't usually look around the station I just kept myself to myself. but that day I did, I noticed there was a train about to arrive on the other platform. and I saw a man looking uite sad. to be honest he was quite good looking. I'd noticed him before when I got the earlier train but never really persued anything. maybe he would of liked to get a coffee with me? I had to remind myself to shout him over the next day.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2015 ⏰

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