In Reality

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You know when you think that a certain person's life is perfect or going great? You think that they never frown because they are always smiling? You never worry about what's going on in their household because you think that they live a good life. Well let me tell you, that is the case with me. You guys might think that my life is good because I act like a positive person and I'm always trying to be encouraging and things like that, but in reality it's all a lie.

You guys want to know the reason I love school so much? It's because I love to get away from my family. It's the only time that we are all not together, which means that there will not be screaming and yelling. At school I'm in a place where there is mostly peace and I'm doing something I love. Learning.

My life, my household, my everything, is the reason I write what I write. It is the reason I write such dark books. It's the reason I write such dark poems.

I may act like everything is fine and dandy, but in reality, everything is not. I may walk around with a smile on my face and tell everyone that life gets better, but truthfully, I don't know. I may tell you that if you ever need a friend to talk to or a shoulder to cry on, you will always have mine, but what about me? Will I ever have a friend to talk to if I need someone. Will I ever have a shoulder to cry on if it comes to that? No I won't because no one has ever offered that to me.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that just because you may think someone's life is perfect and that person is always happy, doesn't mean that it always is. I, for one, am living proof of that and I for one, am ready for a change. I want to wake up one morning and all that fighting, screaming, and yelling will cease to exist. I just want this world to live in peace and smile and never ever have a mean thought in their mind. I want everyone to love each other and treasure each other. Because one day, all of this, everything, will be gone and we won't matter.

So, please, for the sake of everyone and everything, live a good life. Be aware of other's feelings. And let people know what you're feeling. Because I promise you, bottling all your feelings up inside of you...will only make you your own enemy.

Thank you,

Thinking about all of you always,



I did not put this on here to get votes. I put this on here to let people know that looks can be deceiving and so can acts. If you guys/girls ever need anyone to talk to...I'm always...100% here for you. It doesn't even matter if you are not following me. I will always be happy to help you and talk to you. 

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