chapter one - bravado

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My hair was scattered across the rigid panels of my roof and my hands laid gently across my chest. It was a warm night in New York, perfect for being alone with my thoughts. The sky was a deep navy blue shade and the stars contrasted beautifully against it. I lifted my hands off my chest and made a telescope with them, to look at each individual star in the sky at a time. I then sat up and took my telescope down in the direction of the homes across from mine. I noticed a silhouette of a person in the window of one, and they seemed to be pacing around the room. Their arms were either flailing wildly or rested atop their head.

While I was staring at this man, attempting to decipher what his actions meant, I heard the sound of heavy footsteps getting louder as they approached me. My eyes went wide. I climbed off my roof into my room, shut and locked my window, and crawled into my bed, pretending to be asleep.

I heard the sound of the locks on my door clicking, which meant they were being unlocked, and I soon felt the presence of my mother hovering over my head.

I tried my best not to move my pupils, as that would give away the hint I wasn't deep into my sleep. My eye opened slowly, only squinting, and I saw my mother by my vanity. She picked up the photo of my father, stared at it for an oddly long time, and set it down quietly, leaving my room and locking it once more.

I shot out of my bed, hardly able to see, since the only light I had in my room was the hallway's; emitting from the space between my door and the floor.

I got on my floor and reached under my bed, searching the entire area until my hands met with my flashlight. I switched it on and got up, searching for my sketchbook.

In it, I drew an outline of the man, of his actions, and overly dramatized his figure. I elongated his limbs and ended them sharply. After I finished, I threw the items under my bed and went to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up startled around 7. I had a dream that I was the person the man in the window was yelling at. He threw me out of the house and I had to live in the streets and survive on my own. I lived beside a dumpster, and I slowly died and decayed there, with no one noticing.

I left my room (my mother unlocks my door when she wakes up) and headed to my bathroom. My hair was a mess, so I tied it up with an elastic. After brushing my teeth and splashing water on my face, I made my way down to the kitchen to see my younger sister sitting on the sofa and my mother cleaning.

"Good morning Cordelia, good morning mother," I spoke softly, receiving reciprocating greetings back.

My mother had set toast and eggs on the kitchen table, which I hungrily ate.

"M-mother, do you think I could take a walk?" I questioned nervously, only to receive a glare from my mother's icy blue eyes.

"What have I told you about leaving the house?"

"I cannot leave unless Kody accompanies me"

"And is he here?" she placed a hand on her hip.

I nodded my head no and walked to the kitchen to wash my plate. Out of the kitchen window, I caught a glimpse of a large truck and an olive coloured family. Then, I noticed something completely alien.

It was a boy, my age, with ink covering his arms and hair so messy it resembled a mop. I felt my stomach churn as I stared at him, feeling more frightened as I kept looking.

I was startled when I saw my sisters hand across me, her arm placing a glass under the faucet, for water. She noticed my stare at the boy, and she also looked. She seemed worried.

"He looks dangerous," she started, "MOTHER, MO-"

I placed my hand over her mouth and shouted a 'nevermind', which I knew I'd be in trouble for later (we weren't allowed to shout in the house).

"I'll investigate" I whispered to her.


Later in the afternoon, once I was finished with all of my house chores, I decided to read quietly in my room. I was integrated into my book, imagining myself in the dream land. I wasn't allowed to pick out my own books. My mother did to make sure I didn't find anything inappropriate. This book, however, was by far the most daring book I have ever read. It was a gift from Kody.

I was interrupted midst my reading, with the sound of laughter coming from my window. Curiously, I set my book down and peered out my window, only to see nothing. I decided to investigate more, as I could hear a man's voice now. Hurriedly opening the window, I crawled out, the warm air hitting my face.

"Well, hello there, love," the man said, tapping his little gadget and placing it in his pocket.

"Oh my gosh," I said loudly, startled.

It was him. The boy in the tattoos. He was on his roof, in his room, on the house next to mine. Both of our windows were in the corners of the house, and the space between our homes was quite small.

"What, what are you doing here?" I spoke, my eyes wide, eyeing him.

"Well....I live here," he smirked, "I guess you didn't know"

He spoke oddly, he didn't say his words the way I did and that was rather confusing.

Obviously not, I thought.

Amid my observing him, the boy pulled out a box from his pocket, taking out a long pencil-appearing thing from it. He also pulled out a black cylinder and flicked it so that it produced fire. I started at his actions in awe and confusion. He placed the pencil gently between his plump lips and set it on fire, which startled me.

"What is that?" I inquired, inching closer to him to get a better look.

He gave me a half-smile half-confused look (gif attached) and asked me if i wanted to try. He inched away and motioned for me to come onto his roof. I didn't know what to do, I still felt this boy-man was dangerous, but I was really curious to see what his pencil was. He noticed, and made his way across to my roof. I scooted over.

"Ok, so what you want to do is open your mouth," I parted my lips,"and I'll put this in. When I do, breathe in, I'll take it out, and breathe out. Alright?"

"But it's been in your mouth..."

"It's alright, I don't have rabies," he softly laughed.

I don't quite know what rabies means, but I didn't question it. I put on a brave face and pretended to not look anxious. It was weird having the stick in my mouth. It felt like a fireplace inside my mouth, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to breathe in. He motioned for me to, and I wanted to feel confident, so I did.

He tried to poison me.

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