Some Kind of Wonderful

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A/N: This is dedicated to IdgafKaplanLynch for knowing the song and artist of the title of the last chapter!!! Enjoy!

Nikki's POV:

"So where are we headed?" I asked casually, looking out the window. I didn't really care where we were going, as long as I was with Ross. That's all that mattered.

He rubbed his thumb across mine subconsciously as we talked. "Big Bear. It's a ski resort town here in California. It's a bit inland so we have a couple hours of driving ahead of us."

I looked up at him, mouth gaping. "Did you just say Big Bear?" I asked in disbelief.

A smile pulled at his lips. "Yeah, why?" He chuckled.

"I know so many people from my school who go there on vacation or whose parents rent a cabin there. I've always dreamed about going, but-" I shrugged, "my parents-" I trailed off, knowing he knew where I was going with this.

I looked down. I can't believe how quickly my mood had changed. How did my parents still have this effect on me? Why did it still make me so sad to even talk about them-or even think about their divorce?

Ross squeezed my hand gently. "Hey, it's ok," I brought my gaze up to his. "Now we're gonna go and have such a better time than you would've had with them."

He immediately made me smile. "I know we are." I shook the thoughts of my parents out of my head and tried to just relax the rest of the car ride.

And relax I did. I ended up falling asleep very quickly in Ross's arms. School and college have been stressing me out so much lately that I've been lacking a lot of sleep. But I felt completely comfortable with his arms around me and my hand in his.

What felt like seconds later, Ross gently shook me awake. "Nik, we're here," he whispered.

"Mmmmmm k," I replied, eyes half open, semi-conscious of what was going on. All I could tell was that it was pitch black outside.

I heard him chuckle. He untangled himself from me and opened the van door. I immediately felt an ice cold breeze and pulled my knees up to my chest.

Ross hopped out and quickly took off his heavy jean jacket. Before I could wonder why, he wrapped it around my shoulders and scooped me up in his arms in one motion.

He was so sweet. How did I get so lucky with a boyfriend that treated me so sweetly?

I was immediately warmed. I exhaled a deep sigh, relaxing into him. He always made me feel so safe and comfortable-something that I didn't feel very often.

I buried my head in his shoulder as he began walking to the lodge we'd be staying in. "I love you," I whispered against his chest. I didn't even know I was saying it until I heard the words. I just felt so content and happy whenever we were together. He made me so giddy and made me feel so loved and in love.

He kissed me on the forehead as he continued walking. "I love you too."

I woke up the next morning in a spacious hotel room. I heard the shower running in the bathroom and looked around the room to see an extra bed that stood completely made.

I didn't remember anything. I was so exhausted I must've passed out before we even got to the hotel room.

I climbed out of bed, crossing the room and opening the curtains to reveal a pure white mountain enclosed by dark green pine trees. People whizzed down the hill on skis, looking like ants from my point of view. This was incredible. I've never seen anything like this.

Mosaic Broken Hearts-A Ross Lynch StoryWhere stories live. Discover now