Chapter 7

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Natasha pov

Percy Jackson. I wanted to kill him right now. He had the nerve to put a sword to my throat. Saying I was mad wouldn't even begin to cover it.

"I am going to kill him" I said angrily.

"Please don't" Tony said his head resting on his hands.

"Okay really, it wasn't a good idea to attack him in the first place." Steve said "he didn't do anything wrong and actually he did everything right."

I sighed. There were so many ways to look at this.

"You know I agree, he should not have been attacked. Skye is right, we didn't lock her up. She knew she was a danger, but this is different Percy is in complete control and he saved the world." said agent Simmons.

Having S.H.I.E.L.D agents here has been weird. Don't get me wrong I liked them. I liked being back in the S.H.I.E.L.D game but things were a bit awkward between the two groups. They were different and though I was aware of Skye's powers I had never really seen them before. All I knew was that she was very powerful. The inhumans had turned out to not be such a big problem. A few missions here and there but no big threats, yet. They were all smart and good at what they did but they just didn't seem to fit in.

"Yeah Percy is here and we cant....we cant....... change that, we cant change that" Fitz stumbled.

I liked Fitz. I knew that sometimes I looked at him with pity and he probably hated that. I just couldn't help it I also knew the story of how Grant Ward had dropped Fitz and Simmons into the ocean. That traitor. I had met him at S.H.I.E.L.D bases a few times but now I just hated him.

(A/N: I DO NOT stand with Ward!! He dropped Fitzsimmons in the ocean!! I DO NOT stand with Ward!)

Percy was definitely holding back on something. He had told us his whole life story I didn't doubt that but there was definitely something he was still hiding.

"Alright that was not the best idea. We will give him a chance." Coulson decided for everyone. That was something annoying about them being here. Coulson outranked everyone because he was the ex director of S.H.I.E.L.D. Coulson's decision trumped everyone else.

"Sure why not, just another fun unknown thing we get to worry about." agent Mack said sarcastically.

Percy pov

I had been talking with Skye about her powers for a while now. Also about how she got them. Genetics can be weird. I'm half god she is half alien. Soooo not so far apart when it comes to the weird things in the universe. I say universe not world because well world just doesn't cover all the possibilities. Gods ADHD.

"So what exactly is Tartarus?" asked Skye drawing me out of my thoughts. I looked at her in surprise. This was a very touchy subject for me. It could trigger a flashback.

"Well it is the place where monsters go when they are killed" I told her. Giving her the simple explanation.

"what I really mean is why was it such a big deal for you to go there?" she asked. Great.

"Well Annabeth and I were the first demigods to actually survive Tartarus. Well besides Nico. He... he made it through all by himself. Demigods are hunted and killed by monsters. So imagine being in hell and afraid of being killed every second because your the only thing to give off a distinctive scent for miles. We were giving off demigod scent every second and there was nothing we could do about it." I started, "There was no food until we met two monsters who helped us. They are now heroes. Bob the titan and Damesen the giant............. they sacrificed themselves....... gave their lives so we could escape and defeat Gaea. They may not reform for a millennia." I finished choking back tears.

"Oh" Skye said. She looked like she was sorry she asked "sorry I asked."

"No its okay... I needed to talk about it." I said.

"Agent Skye, Percy your presence is being requested in the kitchen." Jarvis said through the intercom. Oh just great. Pretty good timing though.

"Well that's great." I said outloud. Skye nodded. We took the stairs up to the kitchen and found everyone sitting at the table waiting.

"Percy, Skye, have a seat." Agent May said seriously. I felt like I was a little kid about to be scolded for eating cookies....... blue cookies of course.

"We were wrong to attack you" Coulson said " so we have come up with a new idea that you will train with each agent and avenger so we can all understand your powers and your physical strength."

This should be fun. Lots of fun. Especially with all of the tricks I could play on them. Though it could be dangerous if they started asking me about the other demigods.

"okay" I said uncertainly. Natasha was glaring at me across the table. She just couldn't wait to train with me and try ,key word: try, to get me back for the whole sword thing.

"and" Agent Simmons started. Oh boy. "we want to analyze your weapon."

"You want to do what to Riptide?" I asked surprised. They all looked confused. "Oh sorry I meant you want to do what to my sword?!"

"We just wanted to see it and....." Fitz tried but couldn't find the words.

"we wanted to run a few tests no big deal. I was also wondering why it disappeared?" Simmons said.

"Oh it didn't disappear" I said taking riptide out and twirling it between my fingers in pen form.

"What do you mean?" asked Bruce. I sighed and uncapped Riptide. The bronze sword grew to its full size.

"How does that work?" Tony exclaimed scooting forward in his seat. I shrugged.

"Alright. I have to come with you though." I said handing riptide to Agent Simmons who looked like she was scared of holding it.

"Okay follow me" she said. We walked down a few floors Fitz and Bruce trailing behind us. Simmons opened a door to the a level that said S.H.I.E.L.D level. We walked down a few more hallways until we reached a lab. We all entered and she set Riptide down on a table, tapping a few things in on her computer and something scanned Riptide. A holographic image rose up and they all started talking about it pointing and moving things around using weird terms that I had no idea what they meant.

"What did you say it was made out of?" asked Fitz.

"oh its a special metal called Celestial bronze that can kill monsters. It's one of the only three metals that can." I explained. Fitz nodded and SImmons stated typing away on the computer.

"Nothing about demigods better be going on that thing" I said "this is the best kept secret in the world and you are not going to ruin it."

Simmons sighed reluctantly and held down the backspace key.

"Alright then we are done" she said.

"dinner is ready" Jarvis informed us from the speaker. I picked up Riptide and put it back in my pocket as we left to go to dinner.

A/N Hey everyone so that's the chapter. I have school again. Three day weekend over. Sigh. Listening to marching band music while writing this like a total geek. Avengers theme was just playing. lol. Sorry if there are mistakes I didn't have time to edit it.

Anyone ever do any weird fandom things around their friends that are not in fandoms? Like I once said oh my gods instead of oh my god and everyone looked at me weird. So yeah its weird having friends that don't understand the fandom.


If you have watched the preview what do you think of Skye's hair? I love it. It looks so good.

So how old do you all think I am? i'm not going to tell you because my parents are super strict about internet safety. I almost got in trouble for having a wattpad account today. just curious?

Comment, vote, give me your opinion. Thanks for reading.

Bob says hello Zoe.

Percy Jackson and the avengers and the agents of S.H.I.E.L.DWhere stories live. Discover now