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I sat in the living room with Pepper as my Uncle Tony entered the tower from taking off his suit. I smiled at my Uncle and he returned the goofy smile. I helped sometimes here at Stark Towers. Not a lot though.
"Levels are holding steady... I think" Pepper said looking at the screen.
"Of course they are, I was directly involved. Which brings me to my next question: how does it feel to be a genius?" Tony said smiling at Pepper.
"Well, ha, I really wouldn't know now, would I?" Pepper said.
"What do you mean? All this came from you" Tony said, I coughed loudly, "and Tay."
"No. All this came from that" Pepper said pointing to the reactor on his chest.
"Give yourself some credit, please. Stark Tower is your baby. Give yourself... twelve percent of the credit" Tony said.
"Twelve percent?" I scoffed smiling.
"An argument can be made for fifteen" Tony said as I typed stuff onto my computer. I've been living at Stark Towers for about 3 months.
"Twelve percent? For my baby?" Pepper said laughing as she walked over to the couch I was sitting at.
"Well, I did do all the heavy lifting. Literally, I lifted the heavy things. And sorry, but the security snafu? That was on you" Tony said.
"Oooohhh" I said sarcastically.
"My private elevator-" Tony started saying but was cut off by Pepper.
"You mean OUR private elevator."
"-was teeming with sweaty workmen. I'm going to pay for that comment about percentages in some subtle way later, aren't I?" Tony continued as Pepper gave me a bottle of water. And pouring both her and Tony Champagne.
"Not gonna be that subtle" I said smiling as I took a sip of water.
"I'll tell you what. Next building's gonna say 'Potts' on the tower" Tony said smiling.
"On the lease" she corrected.
"...Call your mom, can you bunk over?" Tony said.
"Sir, the telephone. I'm afraid my protocols are being overwritten" JARVIS said interrupting our little chat.
"Stark, we need to talk" said a voice on Tony's phone. Tony picked up his phone and stared at the man who was contacting him.
"You have reached the life model decoy of Tony Stark, please leave a message" Tony started saying.
"This is urgent" the man said.
"Then leave it urgent-" before Tony could finish the elevator doors opened and the man stepped out.
"Security breach" I said.
"That's on you" Tony said to Pepper.
"Mr. Stark" said the man.
"Phil! Come on in!" Pepper said smiling kindly at Phil.
"Phil? Uh, his first name is Agent" Tony said as I closed my laptop and stood up following Pepper and Tony to the man.
"Come on in, we're celebrating" Pepper said smiling.
"Which is why he can't stay" Tony said.
"We need you to look this over" Phil said handing Tony a file, "soon as possible."
"He doesn't like to be handed things" I said taking a drink of my water. I think some of Tony's sarcastic remarks are rubbing off on me.
"That's alright, 'cause I love to be handed things. So, let's trade." Pepper said as she passes her glass of champagne to Coulson and takes the file from him, then takes her champagne glass back from Coulson and passes the file over to Stark.
"Thank you" Pepper said.
"Official consulting hours are between eight and five every other Thursday" Tony said.
"This isn't a consultation" Phil said.
"Is this about the Avengers?" I asked excitedly, "which I-I know nothing about."
"The Avengers Initiative was scrapped, I thought. And I didn't even qualify" Tony said.
"I didn't know that either" I said.
"Yeah, apparently I'm volatile, self-obsessed, don't play well with others." Tony said.
"That we did know" both me and Pepper said.
"This isn't about personality profiles anymore" said Phil.
"Whatever. Mrs Potts, got a minute?" Tony said as Pepper went over to him.
"Who are you?" asked Phil.
"I'm Taylor. Tony's niece" I said shaking Phil's hand with a kind smile.
"Nice to meet you Mrs Stark" Phil said smiling.
"It's nice to meet you too Mr..." I trailed off wondering his name.
"Agent Phil Coulson" he said smiling, he must've noticed my shirt, "you like Captain America?"
"I guess you could say I'm a fan of the star spangled man with a plan" I said smiling.
"I'm a fan as well" Phil said.
"You got trading cards?" I asked smiling.
"Oh yeah" he said laughing.
"Awesome sauce" I said as Pepper and Tony finished their conversation. Pepper left with Coulson leaving me with Uncle Tony.
"What is this?" I asked looking at the files.
"You recognize one of them" he said pointing to Captain Steve Rogers.
"He's alive!" I said excitedly. I'd get to meet my idle.
"Yeah. Now get some rest. We're gonna help out" Tony said giving me a hug.
"I don't want you getting hurt. Understood?" he said.
"Understood" I said as I walked back to my bedroom to get some sleep.

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