Flat lined 3

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"I'm sorry, we did all we could to prevent this," the doctor looked at the crowd of people gathering for news about Stiles. He paused for a second but continued. "Because of the hit to Mr. Stilinski's head and the injuries to the rest of his body we had to put him into a medical induced coma. He needed time to heal but we are not sure when he will become conscious," a fog waved over their heads as his friends grouped together for comfort. Suddenly the door opened and a young man walked over to Scott. "Scott, do you remember me, I was in your class in grade school," the man says. "Theo? What are you doing here?" Scott asked cluelessly. "Well I heard the news about Stiles, I was in town and it was on the radio, I can't believe it," he lied through his teeth. He was smirking in his head because he knew he fooled him. If only Scott knew.

"Are they letting people see him, I would really like to see him," Theo waited for them to nod and he walked to the room with a smirk on his face. He opened the door and let it slam shut. "Look what we have here, Poor Stiles, too weak to defend himself too weak to be a werewolf," Theo bit down on his arm then cut his oxygen tube. Theo was only a beta but he was a special kind of werewolf let's say. Then Theo walked out of the room. Nurses sprinted into the room and Theo met up with the group. "Theo what happened?" Scott was so terrified of losing his best friend. "I don't know when I went in the window was open and someone cut the tubes. Scott there was a bite mark on his arm," he had almost perfected the art of lying. "It's okay it was probably just an animal that hopped through the window," Scott said, not knowing what Theo is. "Scott there was a bite mark on his arm the tubes were snipped, we all know it wasn't an animal. What we don't know is who," he acted like he was worried but he really wasn't. He was a monster. A cold blooded phycotic monster who would do anything to get what he wants. Derek started walking over to a nurse and spun them around. "Is he going to be okay?" He said with sincere concern. "We don't know at this point, it all depends on if they can't keep up his breathing," Derek turned away back to his friends with a grim look on his face. He walked straight out the door, got in his car and drove away. He didn't want to be there when he died, he didn't want to be near him. So onward he went, straight out of Beacon Hills.

"Scott we need to talk," Melissa pulled her son away. "Mom what is it, what's wrong? Is it Stiles? Oh god please tell me he's alright I-," but Melissa cut him off. "Scott there was a bite on his arm and now it's gone. You know what that means," Scott's eyes widened as he ran to Stiles's room. Lydia followed and eventually caught up with him. They quietly shut the door and walked over beside the brown haired boy. "Lydia its gone. It can't be gone. He didn't want this, he never wanted this. He doesn't deserve this!" Scott yelled then pounded his fist on the table next to him. "Scott look at me! If Stiles was bitten, that means there's another alpha," Lydia was smart and she did care about her friends but she new Stiles was in good hands and they could look for the 'alpha'. They walked out and out the front doors, the rest of the pack followed, Theo was the last one out the door.

Flash forward

It's been three months. Stiles hasn't woken up yet, Derek is nowhere to be found and no one found the wolf that bit Stiles. Scott excepted Theo into the pack last month. It was the middle of January, snow was falling, people were freezing and the sun seemed to have hibernated for the winter. "Scott, I think it's time. Stiles isn't getting any better" Theo said with a kind voice, but of course his intentions weren't. He knew Stiles would eventually wake up but he didn't want that to happen. "Theo he's my best friend. I can't just let him go"
"But is living in a hospital what Stiles wants? We both know that he would rather die then live only from a machine," Theo didn't care about Stiles, he was an easy target, an easy way to get to the pack. "Okay, I'll call the sheriff. We're taking him of the tunes today,"

Sorry it's short! It's been so long and I really hate this story but starting next chapter it will get better.

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