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Taylor POV:

The guy that automatically recognized me was about 6'2'', short black hair, cold blue eyes, and he was the same age as both Jamie and myself. He glared at me and then at Danny. Danny could tell that I was extremely scared of this guy, and he wanted to know why.

"What the hell Taylor?" the guy asked.

"Nothing," I replied, as I came out from behind Danny. "I just figured that you would still be in jail after what you did to me."

"Ah come on, I knew that you would figure out that I would find you, like I always do."

"Hold on here," Danny stated. "Who the hell are you?"

"The name is James McCoy," he answered.

"So how do you know Taylor?"

"Oh you know we dated in high school."

"Yeah," I said. "And that's the one thing I regretted from high school, being with the likes of you."

"Now, now Taylor we had fun, didn't we?"

"No, I didn't, you did." Just then, James grabbed me by my arms, and Danny forced him off of me.

"Hey!" Danny exclaimed. "Keep your hands off of her!" I got upset, left the park, headed back to Danny's car, leaned up against it, put my head in my hands, slid down onto the ground, and broke down. "Next time you touch her, it's not going to be too pretty." With that, James ran off and Danny made his way back to his car, where he saw me crying.

* * *

When Danny saw me up against his car, I was on the ground crying. So, he came over to me, put his arm around me, and comforted me.

"What the hell happened back there?" Danny asked, with a concerned tone.

"You remember back when Jamie and I were in high school, I told you, Jamie, Joe, and Erin about a guy that I was dating, and that he hit me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I remember that very clearly. Since, I wanted to strangle the guy."

"I remember, and if I recall so did Jamie, Joe, and Erin." Danny nodded. "Well, that guy that we saw in Central Park, and was talking to us, that was him."

"What?!" Danny exclaimed, as he stood up. He got ready to run after him, but I stopped him.

"Danny, don't he's probably already gone. He's a damn flight risk, and he'll keep running."

"When was he arrested?"

"Right before the end of our Junior year in high school, I broke up with him, and turned him in."

"Did he do anything else to you?" I just nodded, I broke down even more, and memories came flooding back. "Tell me?"

"He sexually assaulted, and raped me." Danny really got pissed off.

"I'm going to find that son of a bitch, and when I do he's in for a rude awakening!"

"Stop, please."

"No, I have to protect you from him!"

"Okay, and how do you plan on doing that exactly?"

"When we get back to the precinct I'm going to talk Gormley about us being partners for your own protection."


"Does anyone else know what else he did to you?"

"Just Jamie, and he's still royally pissed off at it." Then, I realized that I had to tell Jamie when I get home tonight. "Shit."

WHY IS THE PAST SO HAUNTING? (Jamie Reagan Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now