The Trap

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The gems looked up into the sky, right above where Connie was standing. "Oh im sorry, were you having a momment?" The voice said sacrcasticaly. "Peridot." Garnet said through clenched teeth. Connie quickly darted closer to the gems. "Stay behind us kids. We'll deal with this." Pearl said, standing up, along with the other gems. Connie quickly helped Steven up and they stepped back a few steps from the gems. "Well, looks like you have come to me once more. and might i just say, your in for a surprise Crystal CLODS." She said, landing 20 feet away from the gems. Steven quickly started scanning the ground, relizing that Peridot was planning something. "Well? Come and get me." She said with a evil laugh as she formed her electrical pad with her fingers. "UgH! I've had just about enough of you Peribrat!" Ameythest said, lunging quickly in the direction Peridot was. "STOP!" Steven shouted, Running and knocking ameythest in a differnt direction before landing on the ground a few feet away from Peridot. "HAH!" She said and pressed a button on her pad, sending a small metal sphere up from out of the ground with spikes on it, engulfing Steven within it in a mere 3 seconds. "STEVEN!" The gems and Connie yelled. Blood slowly started to leak out of the object. "NO STEVEN!!!" Connie said, tears pouring out of her eyes, Trying to run over to the sphere but Garnet held her back. "You fools, there's noting to worry about! Its a device that makes gem's poof. dont worry, he will be fine." Peridot reassued, taking a few more steps in a differt direction. "HE DIDNT POOF! HE'S HALF HUMAN!" Connie screamed though her tears. Peridot froze. "..... ohhhh....." She said. Pearl was breathing heavily. "YOU... YOU.." She said, her face flowing with tears. "WE JUST GOT HIM BACK!" Amethyest said, darting over to Peridot. "ah ahhh," Peridot teased, pressing another button, sending another sphere through the ground, trapping Ameythest. "I-its a minefield out here..." Garnet said. "W-WE GOTTA SAVE STEVEN! HE COULD DIE IN THERE!" Connie cried, looking at Pearl and Garnet. Garnet stared at Connie, then looked at the sphere that was leaking blood. "She's right... he's gonna die in there..." Garnet said, looking around the area. Suddenly, the sphere that Steven was trapped in, burst open as a large pink bubble grew bigger, making it crumble. Steven was inside the bubble, at the bottom of it, barely kneeling upright, his right arm covered in blood was limp against his side, the torn up pieces of the bandage he had on was at the bottom of the bubble. Blood was smeard over places on the bubble as he held up his left arm against the bubble, holding it toghether. "STEVEN!" Pearl and Connie shouted shockingly as Steven looked up. He could feel his vision blurring, he was losing blood to quickly. The gash in his arm had gotton bigger, making it bleed more. Peridot looked in shock at the sphere. "B-but, it was invunerable!" She mumbled to herself. "STEVEN! STAY CONSIOUS! GET OUT OF THERE!" He heard Connie yell, but he couldnt move. "His body's unstable, he's losing to much blood, he's about to go unconsious..." She said as she looked around at the floor. "We have to get them both out of there... but If steven tries to go anywhere, he might set off another one of those traps. and Ameythest is poofed, so she cant get out..." Pearl said, staring at Steven. Suddenly, an oh to familiar voice echoed from behind the gems and they turned around. "I see you've gotton into, some sort of, situation." The voice said as she stared the gems down. "J-jasper..?!" Pearl said, shocked. Steven opened his eyes, focusing though the bubble. "No..." He said, wincing as pain flowed though his body. Jasper started to walk close to the group. "I finally overpowered that little brat. She got away though, but man i gave her a good BEATING." Jasper said with a evil smiled as the group stepped back. Jasper started to run towards the group. "AND THIS IS FOR WRECKING MY SHIP!" She said, forming her weapon on her head. Garnet and Pearl readed their weapons, and Connie jumped behind them frightened. Suddenly, Steven popped his bubble, leaped with all of his might infront of the group, held up both his arms and his gem glowed, and formed the biggest sheild any of them have ever seen. Jasper smashed into the sheild, getting knocked back. Steven wailed in pain as he tried to keep the shield up. "R-RUN GUYS! R-RUN!" Steven yelped. "YOU!" Jasper said, sitting up after recovering from the shock. Garnet grabbed Steven quickly as the shield started to fade. "RUN!" Pearl shouted as they all ran in the direction of Peridot. "You clods! There is no escape! She said, pressing a button on her pad. Garnet poofed from right underneath him, Connie catching him as The sphere engulfed both Garent's and Pearl's gems. Connie held Steven as he kneeled on the ground, his gem glowing. "Four down, two to go." Jasper said evily, Walking closer to Steven and Connie. Steven used all his might to form a bubble around Him and Connie, Pressing both his hands on it to keep it sturdy. Connie held onto Steven tightly, extremley frightened. "I-i wont let them hurt you..." Steven spoke, his words filled with pain as he squinted his eyes shut. "Steven its okay... S-stay strong, i wont let them hurt you either..." She said, looking into his eyes, filled with tears as he slowly opened them to see her eyes. "COMMON! MAKE THIS BUBBLE POP ALREADY!" Jasper yelled, banging on the bubble, making Steven wail with pain. "I..... im s-sorry C-connie...." He said as he felt his eyes blur the vison of her face, until eventually, eveything went black, and the last thing he heard was Connie, screaming "STEVEN!" As he fell unconisous.

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