16.The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.
17.Ron got the girl, so Harry nailed his sister.
18.There’s plenty of fish in the sea… sadly, many of them
19.Some people just need a high-five. In the face. With a chair!
20.Overprotective parents raise the best liars.
21.You can count on me to be the asshole who gives you a reality check not say what you want to hear.
22. Having the flu should give you plenty of time to flesh out your conspiracy theories about about flu shots.
Now For Some Teenager Posts!
23. That awkward run/walk you do when the car lets you cross.
24.Dear chocolate commercials no one eats chocolate In slow motion with their eyes closed Sincerely, Normal People.
25.Laying In bed remembering a conversation In your head and imagining what you should of said Instead.
26.Charging you're phone 5 minutes 5 minutes before you leave thinking It will make a difference.
27.People who reply four hours later with "lol" should be shot!
28.When you're at someones home normal people: what a lovely home! Me: what you're WIFI password?
29."Hey, I had a dream about you last night!"...Really...Yeah, you died!
30.Not knowing what to text back but not wanting to end the call.