Chapter 14 (Edited)

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Lyra POV
             "Lyra." I try to hurry away as Kyle grabs my arm. He pulls me to a stop and I sigh.

              "What?" I sneer at him. He swallows but doesn't let go.

              "I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything. I swear. You know I don't want to lose either of you. I can't. You're the only family I have." He whispers, his blue eyes filling with tears. I feel my gaze soften and step closer, wrapping my arms around his waist and pulling him close to me.

                "I love you." I murmur quietly. 

                 "I love you too." He kisses my forehead, teenagers passing around us. I haven't completely lost Kaylee yet, I don't have to fight for another three days, I sort of made up with the man I fought and made out with who made me cry, and I haven't lost my best friend. Life is good.

                 For now.


             I stab whatever's supposed to be the 'burger' on my tray. "This is seriously disgusting. Who's up for pizza?"

            Everyone at the table raises their hands and shoves their trays away.
            "Kyle's driving." Stacie and I say together. He groans and grabs his keys.
            I jump on Stacie's back as her phone rings. She grunts and i start singing Karmin's Brokenhearted which is her ringtone.
           'For you to call me baaaabyyy
So let's get up
Let's get on it
Don't you leave brokenhearted tonight
Come on
That's right
Honest baby, I'll doooo
Anything you want tooooo'
              She pushes me off her back. "Shut the fuck up, bitch."
             "Bitch, you're just jealous of my skills." I joke, tossing an arm over her shoulder.
             "What skills, sneezing like a cute baby panda?"
              I gasp and step away. " I do not sneeze like a baby panda. And I am not cute."
               Everyone is silent before we all laugh. I grin and sigh happily. Stacie pulls an apple from her bag and gives it a good toss in the air before throwing it at the wall next to the table where the bitches sit.
               "I've always wanted to say that." Stacie grins.
              "Yeah, and I've always wanted to see a shirtless werewolf with a six pack. That's never gonna happen." I scoff. "I guess we can't all fulfill our dreams."
             I hear three masculine chuckles from behind me and i flip them off as we continue walking.
              "You own Twilight. You get to see Jacob whenever you want." Stacie exclaims and i thought I heard a growl.
               "Yeah but I've seen someone with an eight pack so he's just kinda... eh." I shrug one shoulder. Dammit, I forgot Shane's behind us. "And I'm pretty sure that he's not a werewolf."
              Again, I hear a chuckle and i roll my eyes.
              "Seriously, who?" Stacie squeals.
               "Don't you have a boyfriend?" I look at her.
                "Yeah, but he only has a six pack." I scoff at her and continue down the hall, watching everyone scurry out of the way.
                "Okay, let me guess." Stacie thinks. "Dexter?"
               "Dude, if he touches my ass one more time, I will fucking kick his to New Zealand with the goats... At least I think it's goats." I frown.
                "Um... what about Noah Kirkland?" She suggests and I hear a growl but ignore it.
               "I've seen him run track. He only has a six pack."
              "But dude, he's frickin' hot!!" I hear another noise and I turn to him. Adam sits in the front seat. I try to climb into the other side but Stacie sits with a smirk. I glare and plop on the middle seat. I can't buckle because the dumbass who owns the damn truck ripped the seatbelt doing god knows what with a cheerleader.
             Stacie laughs, pecking my cheek jokingly. "You need to put some meat on those bones."
              It takes everything not to grin like a maniac. Everyone in the truck but her knows, well her and Adam.
              "And I can still beat you in wrestling." I say sadly.
              "Oh, hot girls wrestling. I like it."
             "HEY!!!" Shane and I yell at Adam. I look at him and he looks at me.
             I see something spark in his eyes and it brings me back to last night. I swallow and turn away.
             "Kyle, turn it up." I beg as Rihanna's S and M comes on.
                Kyle turns the music up loudly and rolls down all the windows.
              I move my shoulders to the beat as Stacie and I start to sing.
              ' Na Na Na, come on
Na Na Na, come on
Na Na Na, Na Na come on
Na Na Na, come on, come on
Come on, Na Na Na Na come on
Na Na Na, come on
Na Na Na, Na Na, come on
Na Na aN, come on, come on
Come on, Na Na Na Na'

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