Chapter 1

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*Camila's P.O.V*

I woke up early to the sound of Lauren singing The 1975 Chocolate at the top of her lungs in the bunk next to me, I smiled poking my head out of my bunk curtains and could see the light coming off Lauren's phone. I quietly climbed out of my bunk and crawled in next to Lauren, making her scream in shock.

"Shit Camz! Don't scare me like that!" She screamed, I looked at her giggling.

"Sorry baby but I didn't want to disturbe you singing." I giggled kissing her cheek as I wrapped my arms around her waist.

"Aww, you're so cute Camz!" She smiled gently kissing the tip of my nose, I looked into her amazing green eyes getting lost in my thoughts before the bus drove over a large dip and I fell out of the bunk onto Dinah who was asleep on the floor.

"Sorry Cheechee." I giggled whilst blushing.

"It's ok Mila." She smiled before falling back to sleep, I softly kissed her forehead before climbing back into Lauren's bunk where Mani was curled up at the end of her bed.

"Oh hey Mani!" I smiled slightly shocked snuggling up to Lauren. "Can't sleep?" I asked.

"No because planet green eyes here woke me up!" She laughed playfully hitting Lauren, I smiled before letting go of Lauren.

"You ok babe?" She asked stroking a strand of hair out of my face.

"Yeah I'm fine, I'm gonna check on Ally and go back to my bunk." I smiled weakly softly kissing Lauren before climbing out of her bunk and walked over to Ally's bunk.

"Camz, come cuddle." I heard a tired voice say from the floor, I looked down and saw Dinah hugging my legs.

"Awww Cheechee! I will in a mimute I just gotta check on Allysus and then I'll come cuddle you." I replied kissing her forehead softly. "Go into my bunk." I added before walking off to Ally's bunk.

"Hey Mila." Ally yawned sitting up in her bed.

"Hey Ally." I smiled sitting on the end of her bunk poking her leg happily.

"What's up?" She asked yawning again.

"Nothing just checking you were ok." I answered fiddling with her bunk curtains looking into Normani's empty bunk.

"You sure?" She asked gently squeezing my thigh.

"I'm fine don't worry." I smiled before getting off her bunk and went and joind Dinah in my bunk snuggling up close to her.

"Camz." Dinah mumbled falling back to sleep.

"Yes Cheechee?" I asked yawning.

"I love you." She smiled hugging me might, making me blush.

"I love you too Cheechee!." I giggled blushing a deep red. "Night Dinah." I smiled wrapping a blanket around us both soon falling back to sleep.

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