Getting out the mix Chap. 1

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*Kayla*   Well, it all started off being this young ass girl with a grown man to a mother and a wife who is stressing out. Life would seem a little better if I hadn't known my husband was cheating on me. I hear Elaine crying in the other room so I knew she just woke up. My baby girl is already 3 and still crawling. I rock her in my arms as I give her a bottle, as she holds it in the air and I watch her. Then, the door busts open and slams shut. Kenneth looks at me angrily and walks back to our bedroom. He slams the bedroom door and I hear glass breaking and furniture being knocked over. I sat Elaine down on the couch to let her watch t.v. An I went to the back, I opened the door and there was stuff everywhere on the floor and broken. I had enough of this.   "What the fuck Is wrong with u Kenneth?", I yelled.  "Shut up", he said calmly, but I wasn't about to do that he has pushed me with this shit for the last time!  "Hell no! Look at this room! I'm not cleaning this shit up! And why the fuck u coming in here after work mad an taking it out on the house? Huh? Huh? ANSWER THE FUCKING QUESTION KENNETH!!!" I screamed.  He pushed me back slamming my back on the wall holding my neck.  "I said SHUT THE FUCK UP!"he said yelling in my face.   I started crying and smacked his hand off me.  "Fuck you Kenneth! I hate you so much! You don't come home mad and take it out on the house or me! I am your wife Kenneth, your fucking WIFE! And I deserve respect too." I said crying even more. He looked at me and took a deep sigh.   He came close to me I shook my head no. But he ignored me. And wrapped his hands around me.   I still shaking my head no.  "No, Kenneth please don't do dis"I begged.  "Baby, I'm sorry, I'm so fuckin sorry. I love you girl."he said whispering in my ear. He started kissing my neck.  "No,Kenneth please stop" I pushed him away.  He looked down and walked out the room without saying anything. I just stood there thinking he just left me in the room by myself to clean this mess up. Then I heard the front door close. I look out the bedroom window and noticed he was leaving. I knew where he was going. I needed the truthand answers. I was tired of being a house wife and alone with me taking care of our child, so I packed me and Elaine suitcases and put them in my trunk and I got Elaine dressed and ready. I hd drove to Lindsey house and I saw Kenneth car in the parkway. I knocked on the door I was gone be nice today because I was so done. Lindsey brother opened the door with sweat pants in and his shirt off. He looked surprised when he saw me.  "Hey girl! Damn u fine!"he said trying to play me off. I rolled my eyes.  "Listen, nigga where is kenneth?"I asked nicely.  He blocked the doorway.  "Kenneth?, yea he kinda busy. Why don't you come back later?"  "Come ba-" I stopped in my tracks I was just like forget that shit, I pushed his dirty ass out the way and walked in the house.  "Damn,baby u ain't have to push!" He said. He was following me. I walked down the hall an then I heard noises.  "Listen I dot think u wanna do that." He said. I ignore ld him and bust through the door and both of them stopped fucking and started rumbling under the covers for there clothes. Then, Lindsey he'd poked from under the covers, she looked scared when she saw me. But I wasn't even gonna beat her ass this time like I did in front of Nick yard. Then, I saw Kenneth head come from under the covers. He didn't even look surprised to see me.   "Look I don't even know if I an live this lonely ass life anymore. Likes already knew U was still fucking her when we got back together, like I wasn't stupid Kenneth, but I'm fucking done living this life!"  "What u Tryna say, Kayla?" He said.  "I'm Tryna say is make ur's either me or her?"  Lindsey looked at him like she been waiting on this too.   Alright we will see what happens next.... Who do u think Kenneth will choose? To be with his wife and daughter or his ex-girlfriend,Lindsey? * * * *Kayla* I looked at him waiting for an answer. But he said nothing. Now I knew the real truth. I sighed "I see now. I guess u made your choice" I said taking off my wedding ring and band and threw it at him. "Goodbye, Kenneth. It's over!" I said walking down the hall and out the front door to my car. I get in the car looking to my side at the screen door and I see him looking at me and my daughter, I just wanted to see if he would come after me. Then, Lindsey got in front of him pushing him away and closing the main front door. Tears started coming down my eyes I can't believe I was losing him for the same bitch again. I went through hell getting him back when I was pregnant with Elaine from marrying her. I thought everything was gonna be dine a regular happy couple. But it never turned out that way when she was still beside him on the side of our happy life. I drove 3 hours away to my mothers house in Wilmington, hometown since I grew up. My mom and dad split up for some reason they still won't tell me. HyBut hey shit happens can't do nothin about it. She was in the kitchen cooking soup. I walked in the kitchen. She turned around and she smiled. "Hey,hunny! How u been?"she asked. I sighed and ran and gave my mama a hug holding on to her. "Aww, hunny what's wrong?"she asked. I didn't have the strength to tell her me and Kenneth was over. But I had a feeling she already knew. "Mom, can Elaine stay with you. I need to get away for a while." I said. "Well, that's fine,hunny. I don't mind spending time with my granddaughter."she said. I hugged her again. "Thanks, am! I love you." I said almost a whisper. "I love you, too darling!" "Well, I need to get to the airport and I'm going to give you my car to drive back with it." I said taking out ny car keys. "Ok, lemme get my jacket" she said putting the stove on low an walkin to her hallway closet. I grabbed Elaine, took her to the car and put her on her car seat. I started up my car and my mom walked, locking the door and getting in the car. I drove to the airport. I kisses my mother and daughter and told them "I loved them so much and to keep in touch with me". I watched my mom drive away until they were out my eye sight. I took a deep breath this was a new beginning for me. I walked up to the desk up front where they give there tickets, I had mine I been waiting for this moment for the longest. I finally I get what I needed a vacation. I turned in my ticket and he said on in lane B. I nodded and I was on my way. Once I settled at my assigned seat on the plane, I felt like I was in paradise. I put my earbud pieces in my we and started listening to music. I imagined being in a place I have never been before. Then, I fell out listening to slow jams. I guess I was in a deep sleep because the person who was sitting next to me had to wake me up a and tell me that we landed. I'm glad I got my rest because I needed it. I got off the plane and made my way out the L.A. Airport. There was a couple cabs out front I thought maybe I could use one. I ran up to one and asked could he drive me to a motel. "Hop in, beautiful" he said I blushed at the white man. "So, what you here in L.A. For?"he asked. "For a vacation. Lord knows I need one." I said. "That's nice." He said. I wondered what time is was, because I know the time I had was wrong I was practically way on the other side of he world. "What time is?" I asked "Uhhh 8:55 p.m." He said as I updated it in my phone. He pulled up to a motel 6. I really just wanted to put my stuff up and go look around L.A. "Listen, I will be right back out." I said he nodded. I went to check in and get my room. I sat my suit case on the floor then locked my room door as I walked back to the cab to get in. "Can u take me to a nearby bar?" I asked. "Sure, it's one right up the street from here." He said driving off. When we reached in the drive in front of the bar. I had gave him 100$ dollar bill even tho my bail was 25$. "Keep the change I said" as I got out the car walking into the bar. Ok, so now that she is in L.A. And settling down... I wonder what she gonna get into when she walks in the bar? Lets find out soon to come!

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