Healer of Heart Prologue

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3:27 A.M.

The scent of rain lingered in the air, its coolness a stark reminder against her skin. Sleep eluded her, and hunger felt foreign. He had abandoned her, leaving her to endure the pain alone. He. Left. Her. In that moment, the first drops of rain began to fall, followed by more, drenching her in a sudden downpour. She glared at the dark sky, cursing the stars that once brought her comfort. He used to share those nights with her, gazing up together.

Wiping the rain from her cheeks, she hugged herself tightly as shivers coursed through her. The moon hid away, offering no solace as she navigated the slick stones along the riverbank. Her vision blurred, and her foot slipped, plunging her into the icy water. She sank down, surrendering to the inevitable. Tears streamed down her face as she screamed at the moon and stars, mourning the promise he had broken. The glint of the ring on her finger caught her eye, intensifying her grief.

With a fist raised to the sky, she shouted, "I hate you! I hate you for leaving me!" After a moment, her voice fell to a whisper, "Why did you go?"

When her tears finally dried and her body trembled from the cold, she rose to her feet. The sun began to crest over the horizon, painting the sky with soft hues. She recalled how he used to say the sky was like a masterpiece, one that couldn't be duplicated. Standing in the river's shallows, she watched the sun rise, and as the world brightened and birds began to sing, she resolved to return home. Home, where he would no longer greet her with a warm embrace or prepare meals on their glass stove. Everything felt flavorless without him. Each morning, she awoke to find herself emptier, both inside and out.

As she trudged back to her battered Honda, a heavy sigh escaped her lips. The world around her blurred, making the journey home seem fleeting. When her apartment door finally appeared, she inhaled deeply, unlocked it, and stepped into the space filled with memories. Climbing into their—her—bed, she surrendered to a dreamless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19 ⏰

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