Waglington x Martha

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Martha's Pov

"Any word from Steve?" I asked my mother anxiously. My mom shook her head. "I'm sorry. Martha, I haven't heard from him." I dropped my head into my hands. I felt my mother lay a hand on my shoulder. "I don't sense him anymore. He may be gone." My eyes had already started to water but now I was bawling my eyes out. "W-Why! Why me!" My mother pulls me into a hug. "Shhh. Martha. It's okay." My mom strokes my hair. "Why don't you go talk to Sparklez. He can help you." I pull out of the hug and I wipe the tears from my cheeks. "Okay. Bye mother." I say. "Goodbye Martha." I walk through the End portal and back to overworld. I wake up in my bed and I lay there for a bit. Why me? I question myself. I get up out of my bed and walk out my front door. It's a bright day with no clouds in the sky. At least it's nice out. I start the walk over to Sparklez house when I hear an explosion. What?! Why!? I take off in the direction of the explosion. I run through a forest for a bit until I reach a tower. There are vines covering it and bushes surround the base. What is this place? "AHH!!" I look up and see a dark figure falling towards me. I jump out of the way. Just before the figure reaches the ground he starts to float. "W-Who are you?" I ask. The figure lands and I see that it's a person. The person is wearing a grey cloak with red fringes, leather boots, and has a book in hand. The hood of the cloak covers part of their face. Their skin is grey as I can just barely see under their eyes. Blood streaks stain the person's cheeks. "I'm Waglington." The hooded person says. The voice is deep therefore it must be a man's. At that moment I feel a weird sensation come over. It feels like I know this person. "Who are you?" Waglington asks. "I-I'm Martha." I say. "Well ,Martha, what are you doing out here?" "Uhhhhh I-I.... I heard an explosion so I ran to see what the problem was." Waglington nods and holds out a hand. "Well would you like to see what I was doing?" I look at his hand and reluctantly take it. I wraps his other arm around me and he take off into the air. "Ahhh!" I scream. "Are you afraid of heights?" Waglington asks. I nod and I close my eyes in fear. "It's okay we're just going up here." A moment later I feel my feet gently tough the floor. I open my eyes and I am standing on a balcony on the edge of a tower. "Follow me." Wag says. He goes through a door and stands on a white spot on the floor. "It's downstairs." He says. He then disappears. "Where did you go?" I ask. He comes back and is looking at me confused. "Have you never used an elevator?" He asks. I shake my head. "Then come here. I'll take you downstairs." I walk over to him and everything goes black for a split second but then I'm in another room. "How does that work?" I ask. He smiles and shakes his head. "If you liked that so much, wait till you see what i was working on. He walks me over to a ritual looking place. There are gold blocks and other mysterious looking things. In the center is a pedestal that has a book on it. "I was trying to get a spell correct when it exploded and threw me through that window. He points to a smashed window. "So you're a wizard?" I ask. "Yep. Well, kinda. I lost a lot of my powers when I cam here." I suddenly the feeling again that I know him. "You remind me of someone. I just can't quite remember who." Waglington looks at me with a perplexed look. "Do I look like that person?" He asks. I think for a moment and I realize that he looks nothing like him. "No. Not at all. I don't know how I just have the feeling that you look like someone I knew." Knew? What? I don't even know what I'm saying now. I look at Waglington again and I get the feeling like I should know him very well. "That's interesting." He then looks at me in a way that I can't explain. It's how Steve used to look at me. Steve! That's it! He reminds me of Steve. But why? I look at Waglington and I smile at him. "You remind me of my lost lover. He disappeared awhile ago. My mother can't even sense his presence anymore." I then realize what I had said. If he realizes that I'm the daughter of Ianite then I might be in big trouble! "Your mother can sense a person's presence? Who's your mother?" I think for a moment trying to come up with a lie but I cannot. "My mother is Ianite." I brace myself for him to attack me but he just stands there. "Y-You're not gonna attack me?" I ask. "No why would I?" He says, looking at me in a puzzled manner. "Well, to most people I'm a valuable jewel. They try to capture me or they push me away like I'm some kind of monster. Steve saw past that. That's why I loved him." I look down at my feet. At the mention of Steve loving me I remember that I will never see him again. Tears start to roll down my cheeks. "I don't think you are a jewel that I can profit off of and I don't think that you're a monster. I think that you're a wonderful lady." Wag then pulls me into a hug. I hug him back, crying into his chest. "It's okay Martha. I'm here for you. Just remember that you're loved." I look up at Wag. "Who loves me? No one that I know." Wag shakes his head and smiles. "Yes you do Martha. I love you. The moment that I laid my eyes on you, I had fallen in love." I start blushing and I try to hide it. "Don't worry Martha. I'll always love you and I'll never leave you." I turn away and I look at the broken window. I suddenly feel something soft press against my cheek. I look over at Wag and he's rubbing his neck and looking at the ground. "Sorry. Too soon?" I laugh a little and I shake my head. "Its okay Wag. I love you too." He smiles and pulls me closer to him. He then presses his soft lips against mine. I pull out of the kiss and look at the open window. The sun has started to set. "I had better get home." I said. "I'll walk you home. It's not safe tonight anyways. There's a blood moon." I grab his hand and we start the walk towards my house.

Hey all you pros! Sorry that I haven't been updating this story as much. I've just been busy. I'll try to update again soon. I'll see all you pros later. Bye!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2016 ⏰

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