The Wedding

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It’s the night before Rosalie’s and Nath’s wedding. I decided to let all the girls stay at mine and Jay’s for the night so that we can just hang out. Rose decided to keep it simple so she just wanted me as maid of honor and her two friends as bridesmaids. Nath had Jay as his best man and two other friends of his. I had a lot of girls in one room. When I mean a lot I mean a lot. Kelsey, Nareesha, Danielle, Nathan’s sister Jess, Talitha, Macy, Rosalie’s two friends Cindy and Clare and Rosalie. Jay and the others were over at Nathan and Rosalie’s house having their own party. Kelsey asked her mom to babysit Ella tonight so that her and Tom had a night off.

We all spent the night watching movies and talking about the wedding and anything else.

I could tell Macy’s mood has changed since the night Tom came over. They instantly clicked. I could tell she liked him and Jay told me Tom liked her too. I was happy and hoped Tom would tell her before she went back to Australia again. Everyone was having a good time and by eleven we were all in our allocated beds. We had to be up bright and early because Rosalie decided to have a morning wedding. What is wrong with her??? So we all have to be up by five to get ready. Yay!!!

I walk to my room and see that Kelsey is already in bed waiting for me.

Macy and Talitha were sleeping in her room and Nareesha and Danielle in the spare room. Rosalie, Cindy, Clare and Jess slept in the front on mattresses we borrowed from Tom and Kelsey.

Kelsey and I stayed up talking for a while longer about Ella and mine and Jay’s wedding before drifting off to sleep.

I wake up to a very loud horn being sounded off. I sit up straight away and see that Kelsey is also waking up.

“What the actual fuck is that??” She shouts. I shrug and hear screams coming from the front and set off to see what is wrong.

When I walk in I see all the boys in the living room with the vile thing that makes that incredibly annoying sound. I walk over to Jay who is holding the can and glare at him. He soon stops laughing and looks down at me leaning in for a kiss.

I avoid him and take the can. I start to make the same noise in his face. I move on to the other boys and do it to them as well.

When I finish I walk over so that I can see them all.

“Now guys do you like having that awful noise in your face.” They all shake their heads.

“Well now you know how we feel. It is four thirty in the morning!!! We need to be able to sleep you know!! For f’s sake get out and go get ready for the wedding.” I shout at them and they start moving to the door. Nathan quickly looks over at Rosalie making to give her a kiss.

“Don’t even think about it Nathan Sykes. You can kiss her all you want when you are on your honeymoon. Now march!!!” I shout and escort him to the door.

When he finally leaves I see Jay still standing exactly where he stood when I came in.

“I’m so hot for you right now.” He growls. I scowl at him before taking him by the arm and leading him out, taking his keys I lock the door and turn back to the girls.

Everyone’s up by now. Danielle breaks into laughter and we all join in.

“Their faces were priceless!!” Nareesha screams between giggles.

“Nathan though, I don’t know if he was shocked or scared of you.” Rosalie says and I turn to her with a frown.

“Why would he be scared of me??” I ask seriously.

“Oh you know, ever since you gave him that whole speech when we first went out he has been a little scared of you.” She laughs it off.

“Are you serious!! No one has ever been scared of me!!” I scream but found it funny and soon we are all back to laughing.

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