Part Five: Halloween

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.The next morning they awoke to their last day here in the castle. After they ate breakfast they decided to go outside and finish putting up the decorations Tommy found the day before. Kristy and Glen kept arguing over where certain decorations should go, that the other was doing it wrong. At one point it almost got so bad that they got ready to fight over it. Tommy and Johnny got between them to break it up and separated the two.

By the time they finished it was late into the afternoon, so they all decided it was time to go in and relax. Tommy, Brooke, Johnny, and Tori were all in the game room. The other two went up to their separate rooms to calm themselves down before doing any more group activities. They waited a bit for Glen and Kristy to come down. Johnny and Tori got caught up in a game of pool, while Tommy and Brooke watched the sunset while relaxing on the couch. Tommy had two awkward feelings going, the first was that this week was just about over and he never got around to telling Brooke how he felt, the second was when he noticed the clock's silence when it didn't go off at the six o'clock hour like it should of, but when he checked it, it was still running fine. He ignored it again until the clock rung at six o'six, which is when he really paid attention to it. With the clock strikes they heard strange sounds coming from the kitchen and what sounded like Kristy screaming, they rushed across the main hall only to be frozen with fear when they reached the kitchen. Brooke shrieked and placed her head down on Tommy's shoulder as they looked at Kristy's body, hanging from the wall by silverware stabbing her from head to toe with a pool of blood located underneath her. The others didn't know what to think until they heard Glen behind them.

"Glen did you do this?" Tori questioned.

He looked in the kitchen at the blood-covered body of Kristy and fell backwards onto the floor.

"No, no I didn't do that," Glen replied.

"Glen, you're the only one that wasn't with us in the game room, we were all together, that only leaves you." Johnny accused.

"I don't care, I didn't do it." Glen said.

"Glen if it wasn't you that did it, then where were you all this time?" Tommy asked.

"I was in my room; I fell asleep, got up, changed, and came downstairs to this." Glen quickly responded.

Those were Glen's last words as he walked off heading back towards the stairs. The others started following him until he began to walk faster. Right as he stepped onto the rug at the bottom of the stairs, the rug slipped right out from under him tripping him face first onto the floor, and in that same second the closest suit of armor fell to the floor with its ax falling right through his neck cutting his head off. The others couldn't do anything but stand there, with mouths wide open and faces full of fear as they watched Glens head roll around on the floor until it stopped, with his face facing them, eyes still opened wide full of fear.

"Well if Glen was the killer we got nothing to worry about now, right?" Tori tried to say with a laugh.

"What if Glen wasn't the killer though, what if he didn't do it?" Tommy said.

The others just looked at him with a puzzled look and asked if it wasn't him, then who could have done it.

"What if this place really is haunted by something."

"Don't say shit like that man, this place can't be haunted, there is no such this as ghosts, or ghouls, or...or haunted houses." Johnny said.

"Come on guys think about it, anything is possible, if Glen wanted to kill Kristy, why do it in the kitchen and not in his own room, why use every piece of silverware to do it, how did he get her body so high up off the ground, it doesn't add up, nothing about this whole scenario does." Tommy argued.

"They had a fight before, Glen was still upset and went crazy, and it's that easy." Tori replied.

"No I don't think it is that easy." Tommy said with a sigh.

It was with that, that all of the lights in the castle shut off and the building became covered in darkness.

"So, are you guys ready to believe me now?" Tommy yelled.

"No, no I'm not ready to believe this place is haunted, it just can't be, haunted houses don't exist, and they just aren't real, only in TV and movies." Tori expressed with fear.

With Tori's words filled with fear all the windows opened up and the wind came blasting through the castle, almost sending the four flying. They started to walk into the dining room but stopped when they saw the table flying in the air, chairs flying in circles all over the room. Then the human shaped chandelier came down and started chasing after them. They ran back into the main room and slammed the door shut as the bloody silverware from the kitchen struck the door. They ran into the game room and sat in there for awhile until the couch and chairs started attacking them. And to make matters worse, the CD player started to shoot CDs at them. Tommy and Johnny did their best to block the CDs form hitting the girls until they got out of that room and shut the door. The four tried to get the front door opened but to no avail, it was locked and wouldn't budge.

They sat down after a few minutes of trying for a little break to catch their breath, until Brooke looked towards the stairs and saw the suits of armor start moving. Tommy took the lead and grabbed hold of a lamp, telling the others to dive in between the suits. Tommy charged with his friends behind him, when Tommy stopped the others kept running and made it past the two suits before they could strike. Tommy however was not as lucky when he tried to run pass the suits he was able to block one attack but the other suit was able to make a cut on his left arm. Tommy now screaming in pain made it past the suits and up the stairs. While up there they were able to catch their breath as the suits of armor came closer, thankfully for them, the suits couldn't move that fast. As the suits started to make their way up the stairs Johnny and Tommy looked at each other like they knew what the other was thinking and took a stand at the top of the stairs. As the suits made it to the top and prepared to strike with their axes, Tommy and Johnny kicked them in the center of their bodies sending them back down the stairs to the bottom of the room.

With the suits of armor down on the ground, the four looked at their options, the left side of the house where all of their rooms were was the area they knew but they heard strange sounds coming from that direction and saw movement that didn't look like it would be very friendly. On the right side, no one had ever gone and only had one door with no sounds or movement coming from within. They decided to go right and take their chances there. They opened the first door that was in the hall and that door lead to a small room with three more doors. Three of them each picked a door and on Brooke's count of three they opened those doors to reveal new smaller rooms each with new doors. They did this for what seemed like forever, going from room to room, door to door, until they reached a room with one door in it. Tori pushed the boys off to the side and took the lead and opened the door which opened up into a room with no other doors and no windows; it was just a dark room, the worst place any of them could have ever walked into.

The scent in the room was unbearable; it was filled with what smelled like rotten flesh. Their question of the scent was answered when closer observation of the room was taken and they saw within this room were ropes, hundreds of ropes covered with bones. Seeing that, Brooke ran back into the last room they had entered, Johnny and Tommy started to follow until they noticed Tori wasn't with them. Tori walked forward and started to grab onto one of the ropes. Johnny and Tommy screamed for her to stop, but it was too late as Tori had already grabbed the rope and screamed that it was spider webbing. Within a second of her announcing that, a huge thing of saliva fell onto her shoulder and as a reaction she looked up and saw a giant spider coming down at her.

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