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Morning came round quicker than I would have found suitable for me, but that always happens when you're pregnant. Especially when you're five months along and the baby starts to kick. They always kick during the night time or whenever you're still. During the day you're moving, which is like rocking to them, so they sleep all day. Then when you go to take a seat or go to bed they wake up and throw a party. Seriously, I hardly got any sleep whatsoever when I was pregnant with Annabelle. Speaking of which, her birthday is in a few days. I still need to get her a present. Hmm...

"Babe, you ready?"

Torn from my thoughts, I turned to face Louis. He had some bags in his hands to get into the van. Two of mine were sat on the bed.

"Yeah, just gotta get these bags."

"Okay, well don't be too long. Paul is waiting."

"Should I change then?"

My shirt was kind of tight around the stomach area. It wasn't skin tight, but it was enough to display the extra stomach weight I'd been gaining over the past three or four months. Louis looked me up and down. He shook his head.

"They'll have to find out at some point anyway, don't worry about it."

I nodded slowly and took one bag off the bed, throwing it over my shoulder. The other I held in the opposite hand. I followed Louis into the lift where Perrie ran in just before the door closed. She looked out of breath. Zayn showed up with bags just as the door closed the rest of the way. He did not look happy and also seemed like he'd been chasing Perrie. She breathlessly smiled at me.

"Perrie, what'd you do?"

"Well, I... I didn't... Want to... Carry... The bags... So... I... I ran," she answered, gasping in between.

"Don't you think maybe he would've carried them without there being a problem?"

Perrie shrugged her shoulders, still attempting to catch her breath. I shook my head, silently laughing. If she'd just mentioned it to Zayn, I'm sure he wouldn't have been against carrying his girlfriend's luggage. Then again, he may have been. But if he was, I would've done what Perrie did as well.

We got to the van and Zayn was already outside, leaning against the side door. Perrie went to the trunk with Louis and I to assure herself that he'd gotten everything of hers.

"Zayn... Where's my stuff?"

"You left it in the hotel when you ran away, remember?"

She groaned and I tried my best to hold back my laughter. Perrie suddenly turned back to look at me. I quickly changed my expression to more serious.

"Audrey, would you mind coming with me?"

"Sure, but I'm not carrying your bags."

She made a 'well duh' face, "I know, just c'mon."

We walked back into the hotel and went to the lift. After pressing the button and waiting for quite a while, Perrie began to tap her foot in annoyance.

"Can't we just take the stairs?"

"Fourteen floor with a baby in my stomach? No thank you."

She threw her head back, clearly agitated.

"You could always go by yourself."


I shrugged and walked back outside. The boys were all conversing whilst Danielle was tapping away on her iPhone. Easily, I made the decision to go talk with Dani. She looked up from her phone when I was a few feet away. A smile spread on her face and I was praying there was no squeal concealed behind it. She quickly moved toward me and threw her arms round me.

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