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Grayson Lake

"Are you ready?" I nod my head eagerly, a huge grin on my face. My body shakes with adrenaline.

"Okay, spread your legs." I spread my legs and close my eyes.

Christy starts painting my ankles with silver paint. The sun is setting, reflecting off the shiny paint on my legs.

Peyton walks towards us in her black shirt and shorts, skin purely painted silver. She rolls her eyes at me. "You aren't done yet?" Peyton whines.

"Hey! You can't rush a Picasso." Christy scolds Peyton and starts painting my knees. I nod my head in agreement with Christy.

"Oh hush Peyton. Do you see the line?" I motion to the fifty some people behind me. "It took a half an hour in line to get here. It's not my fault." Peyton touches her skin, making sure the paint is dry. She nods and sits on the blacktop beside me. Even though it's gonna get colder in a few hours, the body heat from the stands is gonna be more than enough to keep me warm.

Cheerleaders run out of the gym doors and into the courtyard where we all are getting ready. The cheerleader uniforms are getting shorter by the season, I swear.

"1, 2, 3, 4," They start to dance and we all start the chant. "Dedicated to domination, we're the Cavalier football nation!" I scream with everyone else. Everyone throws their hands in the air. Someone blares The Show Goes On from portable speakers, and people who are already painted start dancing.

This football season with the tournament, the spirit committee decided it would be cool if none of the students showed up in the student section of the stands, and then as soon as the game starts, everyone runs up the back entrance to the stands.

"You're done, Gray. You look hot!" I smirk at Christine and thank her before running off with Peyton to get a crown and sword before they run out.

"My shower is going to be so gross after the game." I make sure not to touch my arms to my clothes till my skin is dry. My shower is going to be full of silver water. I hope this paint is easier to get off than last year.

We walk into the gym where the football team is warming up on the floor with stretches. There have to be at least 50 guys on the team. Students from various grades are in the stands getting ready for the game. I love how middle schoolers don't dare to step foot in here because they're scared we would eat them or something.

All the guys are in their black gear minus their silver helmets. Some girls are taking pictures for Instagram. I sigh, my feed is going to blow up tonight with girls sticking their butts out in Copper Wright gear. It's funny to think they'll watch the first five minutes of the game, then end up playing on their phones the rest of the night.

"Left calf!" The medical coach yells out. All the guys switch positions and stretch. I look around for Paul, seeing him already sweaty. His eyes are closed as he focuses on stretching his long legs out. He's one of the few guys shirtless right now for stretching. I notice the orange band around his arm that tells people he's one of the six captains on the team.

Andrew Summers waves at me. Was that to me? I turn around and look for someone who's waving back. Nobody is. I turn back around and awkwardly wave to him. He smirks.

I forget about the weird encounter and walk over to the tables to grab a crown. Peyton puts her hair down and grabs a crown and a sword. "Watch out biach!" I laugh at her as she gets in a stance to attack me. We both laugh at the pathetic plastic sword.

"There's my good luck charm." Paul comes up to me, towering above me. He looks great in his uniform. I look to all the guys to see they're taking water breaks.

"I'm flattered, Paul." Peyton puts a hand over her heart and smiles at him. We both roll our eyes.

"Okay, my two good luck charms." Paul leans down, kissing my forehead. I grin from ear to ear and hug him. Every word my dad said last night flies out the window. Every time Paul touches me, my insides get all fuzzy and my heart pounds out of my chest.

"Give it your all tonight." I point to him warningly. He nods.

"Yes mom, I mean Grayson," he teases. I whack his chest, making him laugh at his joke.

"Paul! We need to cover the play Blue Naples Florida #10." One of the assistant coaches yells out. Paul lets go of me and says bye. He jogs over to a few of his coaches and they walk into the head coach's office.

"He's gonna be fine." I look back at Peyton. My stomach twists. I hope he won't get hurt tonight. He's a quarterback so it isn't common, but still.

"You're right." I nod my head. I sit in the bleachers, waiting to be called out into the stands.

"Now can we take a pic for Instagram?"


"And now, the students of Copper Wright High School!" The announcer yells. All the parents on the other side of the bleachers clap. The band plays from the side of the field, smacking their drums loudly. All the guys start screaming and run up the wheelchair ramp to the bleachers. Peyton and I run side by side, finding a place to stand. Almost every guy and girl are painted silver with black clothes and a crown.

The field looks amazing. They freshly painted the turf and the yellow goal posts. Local businesses have hung banners up all around the fenced area. The band bought new black and silver uniforms that just came in a few days ago. The local news has cameras set up at all angles of the field. If we make it to Top Two, the game will be broadcasted nationally.

This is what Friday nights are made of.

Cheerleaders run onto the field with a banner at least 15 feet tall. They start to set it up with the help of a few senior guys. Everyone waits eagerly to see what it says. The tradition is to change the saying of the banner each game.

The band starts playing the school's fight song loudly. The audience goes wild. We all start jumping in the stands to the beat of the music.

"And now, the Copper Wright High School Cavaliers!" The cheerleaders yank down the first layer of paper. Everyone hollers at the banner.

If you're reading this, it's only the beginning.

The banner gives me chills.

It's only the beginning.

The football players run through the banner, Paul in front leading the hustle. The banner rips to shreds and flies to the ground. They run towards the center of the field, stopping on the CWC that's painted on the center of the field. Parents yell for their sons in the game. Kids yell in anticipation of one day accomplishing something as great as making it into this state tournament. Students yell for their friends, siblings, or boyfriends. Teachers yell for their students. I yell for Paul and the rest of the team.

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