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since i been at India house for 4 days i been gud n Profit aint called or tex so basically he rlly dnt care but i aint stressin ova it he can do wat eva but i gt up n gt dressed and i gt Isha dressed
den i picked her up and we left to go chill frst i stpped at da icecream place and me and Isha was juss talkin till i seen Profit walk in wid a grl and Isaiah da grl looked real familiar but i culdnt quiet remember and i aint kno da grl but ion care he aint called or text so im gud
Isha: so den gammie sed no mo Ish no mo icetream
Me: she aint let u have icecream?
Isha: no she sed no mo Ish go side
Me: Grandma made my baby go outside?
Isha: yea den me and Cami ran into Dj room
as she was talkin Profit juss randomly texted me
Profit: i kno u see me dnt act like u dnt
Me: i rlly dnt so gt off ma fone
Profit: man u gone stp wid dat trippin ish u left out da house lookin like a h** so dnt trip
Me: boi i aint neva trippin im gud im gucci im on cloud 10 rite nw wid my daughter i aint trippin ova anything bye
*convo ova*
i turned my fone off and me and Isha juss got up an left i drove to Mickey house to see her cuz u kno i love my grl
Mickey: ayeeeeeeeee boooo wat u doin
Me: nun boo i missed u
Mickey: missed yo crazy ahh to and my baby
Me: who u missed more?
Mickey: my baby
Me: u a b**** fo dat one u gtta miss me more cuz she came out me
Mickey: well guess wat
Me: wat?
Mickey: Profit date......................
who does Profit date??????

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