Chapter 2

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You see, I was like you. I was walking around my small hometown when i saw the book laying on the ground. Nobody was stopping to claim it so I decided to take it, I mean nobody would know. From afar the book looked just like any other but up close I began to realize that it was torn up, pages were torn and there were little spots of blood on the cover. At the time I thought that somebody did that to the book on person but oh how stupid I was......
That was where I made my first mistake. As soon as I saw the burned pages and blood stains I should've just left it there and acted like I never saw it. But instead I picked it up, shoved it in my bag and walked away like nothing happened. He saw me. He saw every single move. He wanted the book. No, he needed the book. But I was the one thing in his way. Like I said, if I would've left the book there I wouldn't be in this mess. I wouldn't be where I am now.
I tried warning you because i didn't want the same thing to happen to you. More than likely you're a 13 to 17 year old girl. You have your whole life ahead of you, but you were stupid and decided to read this. I've given you multiple chances but now it's too late, he's already seen you and he's everywhere now. There's no escaping him. You can run away, you can change your name but he will always find you.
Now, where was I? Oh yes, after shoving the book into my bag I began to walk back to my house. As soon as I got home I ran into my room ignoring my mom who was calli mm get my name.
I opened the book and as soon as I did I knew it was a bad idea. The first page said, "RUN! He's already coming. He knows where you are, who you are and what you're doing. He got me and he's sure to get you. You have something that belongs to him and he will stop at nothing to get it back..."
If you're wondering who "he" is I can't tell you that. You see, nobody really knows. Nobody's seen his face, nobody knows his name, nobody knows anything about him. You can try to figure out who he is but I promise you won't get anywhere.
I began to read further into the book but before I could even get to the second page something flew into my room. It was a note with the words "I'm watching you, Red" scribbled on it.
Scared, I grab a strand of my bright red hair and look out my window to see if anybody is there. I see nobody but in the corner of my eye I see a black figure but when I turned to where it was, it was gone....

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