blood and snow

13 0 2

Autum's p.o.v

Its 20 below and I'm stuck shoveling 3 feet of snow on my own. God I hate winter I thought as I shovel more snow.

"Hey dork need some help?"

I look up to see Chandler standing there laughing at me from his porch.

I stuck my tounge out at him.
"If I wanted help I would have asked." I say.

"No you wouldn't have." He smirked.

"Why are you such and annoying twat?" I say standing up straight.

"Its the way I was born." he shot back.

"Blah blah blah." I said before I put my head phones in.

I was shoveling for about 10 more minutes when I heard a engine roar not like one from a car but something else. I looked up to see chandler on a fucking snow blower.

I stuck my middle finger up as i stepped aside to let him threw.
I sat down on my porch and set my shovel on the ground and watched as he finished the driveway and walkway in minutes.

That fucking douche I thought as he pulled it back into his garage.
I stand up and went to put the shovel away when I slipped on the ice and feel backwards. I waited for the impact but to my surprise it never came. I looked up to see Chandler yay note the sarcasm.

"First day on your feet?" he smirked.

"Haha very funny."

I stand up from his grasp.

"Thanks for your help I guess."

"You guess?" He said.

"Ya I said I had it." I said as I walked away into my house and was greeted with some hot coco.

"Thanks mom." I say.

No problem dear. She replied.

I'm gonna go do my home work I said. I turned and headed to my room. As I entered I took off my jacket and my combats. I sat down to do my homework.
I started with bio and I reached up and turned on the radio and one of my favorite song started play They don't understand by Andy Black.
I couldn't resist the urge to get up. As I danced around my room singing my heart out to ever word. But something caught my attention when I heard someone laughing I turned to see Chandler standing in his room looking out the window to me in my room. My face went hot. I got up and went to shut the curtain. When I saw he had his phone out and that he recorded the whole thing.

"Nice moves." he laughed.

"Shut up."I said and threw a near by pencil at him which was pointless cause it hit the frame.

I walked out into my bathroom forgetting to shut the curtain. I changed into my sweats and my long sleeve batman shirt. And went to finish my homework. Around 20 minutes later I'm done and I turn on my iPod and pug it into my stereo. And played Chemical prisoner by Falling in reverse. I stood there and looked into my full length mirror and stared at the body I posed. And thought to my self.
My face isn't clear.
Its round.
My eyes are dull and a ugly.
I'm not skinny and I don't have a thigh gap.
I don't have a big butt or nice boobs.
Your useless.
No one would miss you.
Your nothing.
As I stared and named off all the reasons why I'm no good or ugly I hadnt realized I started crying and I didn't care cause I was alone, and no one could see me, and that's the way I like it no one to tell me different and no one to judge. I reach down and take of my shirt and stand there in my tank top.
I looked at my newly opened scars and my old ones. I lift up my shirt to reveal my burns. I look to my right and I see something that mortified me to my core. The curtains were still opened and Chandler was standing there with no emotions showing at all he just stood there and stared.
I felt more tears fall as I run to shut the curtains he still hadn't moved as I shut them I ran to my bathroom as I pulled out my friend I sat down. Pulled it a crossed my arm.

As I watched the blood trickle out onto my floor and I pulled it down a couple more times and just sat there and cried. I let it all out. I stand up and clean up my mess and wash my arm I walked back to my room and played across my bed and I shut off the light and I cried my self to sleep.

Chandlers p.o.v

I walked into my room set down my sand which and went to shut my window and I saw Autumn sanding in the mirror she looked sad and then I saw it. I saw all the burns and cuts. I looked up and froze she saw me.
And started to cry hard and she slammed the curtains closed. I stand there and all I can wonder is why. Why would she do that. I sat on my bed and stared at the window and hoped I was just seeing things.
10 minutes later I see her walk out of what I presume is her bathroom and shut of the light. I sat there for what feels like hours but was only a couple of minutes not knowing what to. I lay back and eat my sandwich. When I finished I shut off the lights and played down not being able to sleep after the horror I just saw. At one point I dose off and have this terrible nightmare.

That I watched Autumn hang there. Her lifeless head lifts up and she yells at me.
"WHY DIDNT YOU HELP ME ?! WHY!?" she yelled and then it went black

End of nightmare~


I have a good feeling about this book I hope you guys like it I'm trying harder on my books from now on.

Stay happy not crappy.
Life's a bitch don't quit.

Bye see ya next chapter

My nieghbor Chandler RiggsWhere stories live. Discover now