grandparents visit

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Chandlers P.O.V

    I woke up to a the curtain open and light shining through. I squinted and rolled over and tried to sleep but my mom bursted through the door.


"Come on mooommm! I just want to sleep." I groaned as u sat up out of bed.

"I have to do some things before they get here and I need help! "She said, "how about this I'll make you a deal."

I looked at her out of the corner of my eye." What?"

"How about you help me and when they get here say hi and then I'll tell them that you have homework to do with a friend and you can go over to Autumn house until they leave I'm sure her mom might need help with things since well ya know she doesn't have any one to help her with anything big or heavy."

I looked up a t her with a half smile. "Ya I might as well."

"OK then get up take your shower and come down eat and help me I'll be in the garage when your ready."

"Ok, I will. "I said.

She walked out my room and closed the door behind her. I look over at the uneaten sandwich and I get sick to my stomach as everything rushes back from the other night. I get a chill down my spine from the memories I shake them away. I get up and grab clothes from my dresser and grabbed some black ripped skin jeans and a shirt and relentlessly threw them onto the back of the toilet. I undressed and washed myself after I was done I stood the there listening to the dripping of the water from the shower head and I closed my eyes and I Went through everything I've done wrong all my mistakes in life and finally Autumn poor beautiful Autumn I've fucked up a lot with her we were friends and I've always cared about her. When we were kids I'd protect her from everything I was there when her dad walked out I was there when he beat her and her mom I was there for everything but now she can't stand me and now im not there anymore !
"I WASN'T THERE!" I scream I hadn't realised it but I was crying I was crying from all of my mistakes all of the things I've ruined, but most of all I cried for her.
I got out off the shower and dried off and put my clothes on. I finished doing my hair and everything I walked into the bedroom and started putting my socks on and my shoes. I finished and all of the emotions I've been feeling just spilled out I cried I stared at the ceiling for a minute then I threw I'm head into my hands and sobbed for what felt like forever. I sobered up and wiped my eyes. I saw someone out of the corner of my eye out the window. Maybe it was nothing I said. I walked down stairs and grabbed a bite to eat and went to the garage and I see Mrs. Thompsons(Autumn's mom)
In the garbage talking with my mom.
"Hey mom, after noon Mrs. Thomson." 
"Hey kiddo" my mom says.
"Hey I was wonder if you would do me a big favor. " Autumns mom said.
"What? "I said worried know whatever it is I can't back out the of it.
"Would you, well after you done helping your mom, take autumn to the mall so she can pick up some stuff for me since my car has been totaled." She said nervously.
"Ya no problem. " I shot back smiling.
"Thank you, I wouldn't have asked but since your such good friends I figured it would give you some time to catch up with each other. "
"I don't mind." I said.
I finished helping my mom go through boxes and dust and rearrange everything I sat down and mom made me a sandwich while I went up stairs to clean up. I finished and I sat down for q minute and rolled my sleeves up because I'm sweating bad. I pulled out my phone and I saw that a video had saved and I clicked it.
Autumn it was from the other night when she was dancing around her room without a care in the world. I laughed to myself at how cutie she was.
"I'm gonna save this just for me." I said aloud.
I headed down stairs to eat when the front door was open.
"HI GUYS!!" Both of my grandparents said.
*Hey guys." I walked over to them and gave them hugs and we sat and talked for a few minute.
"Sorry guys I know you just got here but I need to go and run to the store and do homework," I said.
"Oooh that's fine," they said.
I walked to the door and grabbed the keys and my hoodie and my leather jacket then i walked outside and I knocked on autumns front door and waited as I heard some rustling around and she opened the door ready to go in a long sleeve shirt and a hoodie with her bag in hand.
"Ready to go? "I said.
"Ya." she said softly.
We walked to the car, and I remembered something I used to do for her when we were kids.
I ran up behind her and picked her up bridal style, she screamed and then started to laugh.
"Remember this?" I asked. I then walk to the passenger side and opened it and set her in side.
"Princess never walks through snow. "I said in a posh accent.
She laugh, "thank you my kind sir." she said. I closed the door.
This might not turn out to be so bad I said and climbed into the driver seat and started the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2016 ⏰

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