Its time I told you the truth

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-Harry's POV-

We just stared at eachother, not saying anther word. I just wanted to fall into his arms and cry, hug him and tell him I love him. But I didn't. I just stood there, looking at him. He did the same. A single tear finally fell. I finally turned away to walk away, I started walking away.

"Harry." His voice sounded broken. It made me wanna cry more but I didn't. I made sure I didn't. I didn't turn around. I just stopped in my spot. "Hazza." Was all he said for me to finally break down. I missed him so much. I was truely in love with my best friend. I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Don't cry Haz. Please. Don't" It sounded like he was crying. I couldn't do it anymore. I ran away to find my mum. "Don't go Harry, I love you." I heard faintly. I shook my head. I buped into my mum. She saw me crying. Her happy face went to worried in a nano second.

"Harry, Whats wrong?" She hugged me. Maybe its time I finally tell my mum the truth.

"Mum, its time I told you the truth." My voice was so shaked and broken. She looked more worried.

"Come on, lets go." I nodded. "You can tell me when we get to the hotel." We started walking to the car. When I heard my name being call. I turned my head alittle and saw Louis running after me and my mum. "Is that Louis?" My mum asked. I nodded.

"Yeah, but can we go, please?" We got in the car and drove off. I saw Louis stop in his track and look at us. I felt bad. but i didnt want to face him right now. The car ride to the hotel was quiet. I was trying to think of a way to tell my mum everything. She deserves to know. Ive hid it long enough. We finally got there and got a room with two beds. We went to our rooms, I sat on the bed. Tears started to fall. My mum sat next to me and hugged me.

"So baby, tell me whats wrong?"

"Mu..Mum. Im gay and Im in love with my best friend." I didn't look up. I was too afraid.

"Sweetheart, no offence, but I could tell you were gay." She chuckled. I chuckled with her. "And your in love with Louis?" I nodded. "Honey, theres nothing wrong with that." I shook my head and got up in frustration.

"Yes, there is mum" I looked up at her. Here it goes. "He is partly the reason why I wanted to kill myself. Him and the school." My mum looked like she was about to cry. "I got bullied everyday, got beat up everyday. Ever since Louis started dating Eleanor. She hated me because of something that happened in elementary school. She got the whole school hating me. I cut everyday. My only friend was Louis until Eleanor one day told him that I raped and beat her one night. It ruined our friendship. Thats when I realized that I was in love with him. He hit me then left. It broke me. I was alone. Then I met Zayn. Liam and Niall. Then one random day they started to hate me. I was left with no one. I couldnt come to you because you were always working." I was sobbing by now.

"Har.. Harry." My mum was sobbing too.

"I was done mum, I was done. Then me and Louis became friends again. he promised me he would always believe me, but he broke that promise. because Eleanor kissed me and made it look like It was my fault. Louis told me he hated me. He broke our promise for the second time." I looked down. "I just wanted to die mum. I couldnt do it anymore. With the constant bullying, and harassment. Not having my best friend believe me." I fell to the ground crying. I felt someone giving me a hug.

"Harry, im soo sorry I wasnt there. Im just a horrible mum. I didnt see that you were hurting." I shook my head.

"Its not your fault mum. Your the best mum in the world. Im a horrible son." She hugged me tighter.

"Your the best son in the world, I wouldnt trade you for anything." I cried more. "Come on sweetheart. We gotta go to bed. We gotta wake up early." I nodded. I was not letting my past ruin my future. I got in my bed. "Good nigh sweetheart, I love you."

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