getting ready to go to the park

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Princeton pov
I woke up to riyah laughing.
I went downstairs and saw her watching spongebob.

(A/n:P for Princeton J for jariyah and M for Maria)

P:good morning riyah

R:goodmowing dada *hugs him*

P:*hugs back and picks her up*how you get the TV on?


M:yes sweety

P:oh she was saying you turned the TV on for her

M: oh ok breakfast is ready

P:thank you

M:you welcome it will be setteled in the dinning room.

(Mira is one of his maides)

P:you ready to eat princess riyah?

R:yes ser pwince Jake!

P & R:*laughing*

After that they started eating eggs bacon grits SAUSAGE lol.5 minutes later they was done and they put on theyre outfits.outfits in mm in the next 2 chapees.

P:riyah we going to meet my band members Kay

She met them when she was born to 1 years old but every time they come over prince house she be sleep or at school.


P:wanna go to the park


So on they went to the park

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