f i v e

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[ f o r y o u ]

Fortunately, Aunt Minah was the late one of all of us. She apologized as she was busy getting her new furniture in her car. She bought a whole new loveseat that fit in her car. Anyways, the whole ride home Eunji was complaining because I got a flower from Jihoon and she only got a milk. I wouldn't complain though, the flower would die eventually.

I then sneeze lightly as we get inside the house. Kyu Ki beat me to racing home. I was kind of tired but I couldn't let him down.

Mom wasn't home since she would still be at work so the three of us were left home by ourselves.

I immediately run upstairs into my room to open up Tumblr. I didn't want to be a bother but I wanted to beat Jihoon on who's the first to contact who. Usually Jihoon won that but not this time! I'm determined!

I grab my PC and start typing.


17-eunhye: okay sorry .. hello jihoon !!

jiyoon-17: hold up let me change my user. you don't think jihoon-17 is taken do you?

17-eunhye: it probably is haha some fan beat you to your own name

jiyoon-17: you're right it was taken :(

jiyoon-17: what other users do you think would be nice???

17-eunhye: hmmm how about fairy-17 :)))))))

jiyoon-17: uhm how about no

jiyoon-17: wait i think i got one

17-eunhye: *waits*

busan-jihoon: this ????

17-eunhye: ehh

busan-jihoon: okay fine wait

eunhoon-17: ????

17-eunhye: (in english) eunhye aprroved !!

eunhoon-17: yESSS!!

17-eunhye: omg i keep sneezing what the hell

17-eunhye: SAVE MEEE

eunhoon-17: i would but we're like an hour apart soo save yourself :)

17-eunhye: what a nice best friend i have

eunhoon-17: :)))))

I sneeze once more before remembering about the flower.

"For you"

For You | Lee Woozi JihoonWhere stories live. Discover now