Chapter 2: The Nightmares

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                       2 years later...

It's been 2 years since Ichigo Kurosaki decided to be Princess Orihime Inoue's knight and now the real story begins.

"Oh, good morning Ichigo." said Renji Abari. "Yeah good morning." the tired Ichigo said while yawning. "So I've heard you've been spending a lot of time with the princess." "Shaddup!"

Renji being his retarded self wasn't sure if he liked that answer or not. But being himself, he decided to ask again until he got what he wanted and that was a yes. Honestly, Ichigo knew what he was doing, funny thing is it wasn't going to work but Renji still wanted his answer.

"Don't lie to yourself Ichigo, I know you like spending time with her the most." Renji said putting a hand on Ichigo's  shoulder while walking to the royal dinning hall. "Agh... You're getting on my nerves!" "Then stop dodging the question and give me a real answer-" He was suddenly stopped when Ichigo  threw a pancake at him.

"Hey what the heck was that for?!" "I said you were getting on my nerves so I did something about it and it and it worked-" He was also stopped by a sausage thrown at him. "Haha" said the tattooed red head. Suddenly another kind of food was thrown at him. Then a huge food fight broke out between the two castle protectors.

"SSSSSSTTTTTTOOOOOOPPPPPP IIIIITTTTT!!!!!!!! WHAT THE HECK DO YOU GUYS THINK YOU'RE DOING!!" yelled a girl in a karate uniform named Tatsuki Arisawa. "Uh...hey... Tatsuki-" "SHUT UP ICHIGO!!! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER THAN TO FIGHT HERE!!!!" "Um... you see we were going to-" "YEAH YEAH IF THIS IS SUPPOSED TO BE SOME KIND OF JOKE CAUSE IT'S NOT FUNNY!" Tatsuki said with a snicker. "Uh 2 years later and you're the only one I can't handle." Ichigo said with a sigh.

Then a huge argument broke out between Ichigo  and Ichigo. "What's going on in here you guys?" said a soft voice. "Princess Orihime good morning did you sleep well?" asked the newly refreshed Tatsuki. "Yeah I did." the princess said with a smile. "Hey wait what did I tell you about calling me princess? You've all known me long enough to call me by my name." "Oh yeah, right I forgot." the karate girl said while scratching the back of her head. "Wait why do you have a cut on your face?" "Uh?" she covered her face quickly. "Oh yeah, well... you see... I kind of climbed a tall, tall tree from my room, cut my face and slid down to the ground. Then climbed back up the tree into my room and that's why I'm here." BANG! A huge fist hit Orihime's head. "Ow!!" "YOU DESERVED THAT!!! NEXT TIME YOU DO SOMETHING THAT DANGEROUS I'LL HIT YOU EVEN HARDER!!!!!" "Harder than you just did? You'd crack me skull open." Orihime whined. "Hey don't have to get so angry about it, I mean it's not like she broke anything-" "JUST SHUT UP!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO LECTURE ME ABOUT THE RIGHT WAY TO TEACH ORIHIME A LESSON!!" Tasting said while grabbing Ichigo's collar. "I wasn't lecturing you!! I was just saying that I felt bad for ORIHIME!!" "IN MY BOOK I CALL THAT LECTURING!!"

Those two went on and on that morning. Everyone thought they would stop at some point or would be interrupted but everyone just ate and watched. Luckily they didn't kill each other or start food fights. Sooner or later they would start throwing stuff, and they did. But everyone knew this would take a while so Orihime sat down in her chair, then finally spoke. "Uh... there's a reason I came down here. I really needed you're advice on something." she said nervously. "Advice?" they all said. "Yes, it's about... my life's theme song the "Ha Ha Ha" song where I cheer on comedians of the right amount popularity by matching the tune of Do 'RE Mike which I love so much." she said sparkly. "Right amount of popularity?" said the orange haired knight. "You see the only problem is I can only hum it." said the teary eyed princess. "But isn't that a good thing?" asked the marital arts' teacher. "And why do you think that?" "It's because you've grown up so much." "NOOOOO TTTHHHAAATTT'SSS WWWRRROOONNNGGG!!!!!!!!" she said shaking her head playfully. "Whoa how the heck did you do that? Your eyes look just the number 3!" Ichigo said in amazement. "So which one should I start on?" said the bubbly princess. "It doesn't matter"

Awhile later after everyone ate, Princess Orihime asked Ichigo if he could come to her room. Ichigo didn't know nor understand what was going on but he just went with it since she was the princess and just said ok. Whatever Orihime wanted might of been good or bad depending on what was happening but if something bad happen she would of had a meeting about it or at least something. Ichigo knew what Orihime's like but he didn't hear or see her ask anyone else to talk to in private, the only one she talks to is Tatsuki and they normally talk about other things he doesn't know about.

Finally, they reached her room. Ichigo got out of deep thought and went in with her. What he saw was s big queen size bed with stuffed animals, a rectangular window next to it, a huge closet all the way to the right, a make-up mirror and drawer, and the walls were gray since it matched the bricks.

"I bet you're wondering why I called you here." said the princess walking over to the window and starts looking out it with the hair blowing in her hair. "I can trust you right Ichigo?" "Um... sure." the dark knight said uneasily. "What's wrong?" "It's just that..." she said sitting down next to Ichigo. "I've been having these dreams of when I lose everyone. My friends, my house, and my people. Everything and everyone especially you, Tatsuki, Renji, Uryu, and everyone I know and love is gone and I'm alone once again. I hate being alone." she said crying. An arm came out to Orihime wrapping her into a hug that made her stop crying. "Ichigo, I..." "It's ok, whatever is in those dreams isn't happening in reality, so their is no reason to cry or be upset." he said reassuringly. The crying princess looked up at him looking deep into his dark brown eyes and the knight looking at hers. They both leaned in looking into each other's eyes. Closer and closer.

"PRINCESS!!! PRINCESS ORIHIME!!! OPEN THIS DOOR!!! YOU'RE LATE FOR YOUR KARATE LESSON!!! ORIHIME OPEN THIS DOOR NOW!!! I KNOW YOU'RE IN THERE!!! I CAN SENSE YOU!!!" screamed an angry Tatsuki. "Oh no! That's Tatsuk!" said the startled princess. "And she sounds mad!" Ichigo says. "ORIHIME INOUE I CAN HEAR YOU BREATHING!!! ORIHIME!!! ORIHIME!!!" "Ichigo you have to go NOW!!" Orihime says worried. "Well where am I supposed to go?" "Um... Well?" "ORIHIME IF YOU DON'T OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW BY THE COUNT OF 3 IT WILL BE ON THE FLOOR!!! 1!..." "Princess?!" says Ichigo. "2!..." "Um... I'm thinking, I'm thinking." "3!" Tatsuki said with a crashing thud. "THERE YOU ARE NOW EITHER YOU COME WITH ME PEACEFULLY OR I COULD DRAG YOU OUT THERE MYSELF-  why is Ichigo here?... wait! ICHIGO WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO PULL BY BEING IN THE PRINCESS' ROOM!!!! ARE YOU TRYING TO BE A HUGE PERVERT!!!" Tatsuki says as she picks ups the door to use as a weapon. "Tatsuki calm down I invited him to talk to nothing more nothing less." says the protective princess as she puts herself in front of her knight. "Fine! But you ever try something or you're dead! Got it!" she said gripping Ichigo's shirt. He nodded in response but now Tatsuki had to deal with another problem and that was her royal highness. "Now for you, are you gonna come or not princess?" "Oh right! Coming! See you later, Ichigo." cheerfully the princess walked away with her best friend. He sighed in relief but Tatsuki stopped in her tracks looked at Ichigo for a second then kept walking with her princess. After that Ichigo went to his room to rest and realize what happened on Orihime 's room and with those thoughts that suddenly ran through his head he blushed hard.

(a/n: I am so so sorry that I took so long I was just so busy doing... stuff. So hope you like this chapter and I'll have it as soon as possible.)

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