The Adoption

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I was literally bouncing up and down in the car. I couldn't wait to adopt a kid! The rest of the boys, however, weren't so excited.

"Louis. Please calm down." Liam groaned.

"But I'm so excited! Are we getting a boy or a girl? Will they like carrots?"

"Um.... A girl, I guess. I'm pretty sure they will like carrots."

"YES!" I yelled.

We were the only ones in the car. Zayn, Niall, and Harry all went into the gas station to get food and pay for gas. They came out quickly. We drove off and I began bouncing again. Just another mile and we could adopt a little girl. Uncle Simon said it would teach us responsibility, but I didn't care. I was gonna be the best dad ever!

"Okay Boobear. Are you coming?" Harry asked.

"Yes darling!" I called out, no, we were NOT gay!

I skipped inside of the orphanage. The lady walked over.

"May I help you sir?"

"I'd like to adopt a little girl!" I told her.


"5 or 6." Zayn answered.

"There's only one girl, and you'll need to have a background check before you can see her."

"Why?" Niall asked.

"She's had a tough life."


We did the background check stuff and she led us to the room.

"Karma?" She said softly, opening the door.

A blond girl was on her bed glaring at an older girl.

"That vasn't nice, Mia." She spat.

"I don't give a rat's a**." Mia snarled, calmly punching the younger girl in the face.

Karma yelped and burst into tears.  

"Oh shut up, you baby." Mia laughed.

She noticed us and squealed like a rusty hinge. "It's One Direction!"

Niall slipped over to Karma unnoticed. She moved away fearfully when he got closer. The lady scooped Karma up, who was now screaming that we would hurt her, and walked down stairs.

"Pease! I don't vanna be hurt again! Don't let them take me Ms. Lea! Pease!" She sobbed.

I signed the adoption papers. The lady handed me Karma, and Karma screeched. Her punches and kicks didn't hurt, but she was trying to fight me off. It kinda hurt my feelings. A five year old girl was terrified of me. That was sad.

"Who's driving?" Zayn asked.

"I will." Liam volunteered.

I put Karma in the car. She went quiet. I sat beside her. She refused to look at me.

"Karma." Niall whispered from her other side.

"Yes sir?" She answered softly.

"What's your favorite color?"


"Yay!" He yelled.

Karma flinched, tears beginning to streak down her face.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"He stared me." She whispered.


"Ya. He stared me."

"It's okay. Niall won't hurt you."


"That's his name."


Her hair was messed up. I went to fix it and Karma flinched as I raised my hand.

"He won't hurt you, Karma. Okay?"


"Promise." Niall smiled.

Karma let me fix her hair. Liam pulled into the spot at my flat. Karma gently pulled on my sleeve.

"Vhere are ve?"


"Vhere are ve?"

"Oh. My flat?"



"Oh! I get it."

I pulled her out of the car. She tensed up as soon as I touched her. We went into the flat and Niall, being Niall, went into the kitchen to get some food. I set Karma on the couch. She didn't look at anyone and seemed to be deep in thought.

"Vhat are you gonna do vith me?" She asked softly, then cringed like she did something wrong.

"Take care of you?" Zayn said questioningly.

She stayed silent, finding a sudden interest in the carpeted floor. Niall walked in.

"Louis, you need more food." He told me.

"You can't have eaten all of that Niall!" Liam sounded freaked out.

"I did?"


"I put it on the plate, got a fork, and used the fork to move the food to my mouth." He informed Liam. "And it tasted awesome."

"Really, Niall?"


"What's wrong with Karma?" Zayn asked me.


"She is crying. Did something scare her?"

I went over to her. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"N-Nothing." She winced again. "Sorry sir, I didn't mean to talk. Pease don't hit me!"

"I won't hurt you, okay?"



She hugged me. "Thank you."

"It's okay."


Hey y'all, I'm sorry I haven't been updating... and I have three reasons...

1. I'm lazy....

2. I got addicted to Role Playing

3. School, or more specificly, BAND.

So yeah.... sooooooooooooooooooooooo sooooooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyy...... Next chapter up soonish... I hope...

xD Bye!

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