The Audition

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My name is Tamrin! I am 17 years and I am a trainee for S.M Entertainment! I was 12 years old and I wanted to audition for fun, because i could've never gotten in... because I am not Asian...Well technically I am...I'm Bengali, so South Asian. I used to live in Canada, (I am also American) before I moved to South Korea. I will tell you the story of how I became a trainee.

I woke up at 9 AM on the day of the audition even though they told me to come at 1 PM. My sister took me to the audition I was very nervous... So we arrived at the Center where the auditions took place, I got my audition number and I went inside the waiting room and my sister wasn't allowed inside and had to wait outside. I was very intimidated by everyone... because there were only two people there who were brown and one of them was me... so I was kind of scared being there all by myself... but I did make friends. Two people at the front were putting everyone in order, so I waited for about 4 hours and I finally went inside the audition room with 6 to 7 people and only one of them was a dancer and the rest were singers including me. So we all sang a Korean song for 30 seconds while being recorded and it was over. They said if we will find out by the end of the month if we made it to the secons round or not. So I wasn't expecting a call , but one day I got a phone call, "Hello is this Tamrin?", "Yes this is her.", "Well Congratulations! You made it to the second round!" And they told me where to go for the audition and what time I have to be there by. And I went there and sang another song and doing camera tests on me to see how I look on camera from every angle, they said I would get a call if I made it to the third round or not. So I got a call three weeks later and I made it to the third round and I didn't even tell my parents... My sister was the only person who knew. They said I had to go the main building, which was in Korea. So my mom let me go, but my dad didn't like the idea of me joining a company cause i was still young. But convinced him by saying if it didn't workout than I would comeback and become whatever he wants me to be. So i went to Seoul, South Korea with my Sis since she was an adult and it was very fascinating to look at everything.

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