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Grayson was mad. (agitato)

For what exactly he doesn't remember, but he knew that he was mad. He was always mad and angry and furious. He left his house at around eight at night that day for several reasons. A stupid fight with his parents and he broke up with his girlfriend of about a year. And that he was out of oreos.

He was frustrated. (accelerando)

God knows why. He knew that it would've ended anyway. He saw it before it even happened. But that's not why he was mad. Or furious. Or irritated. Vexed. He gets in his old, aged, and decrepit car and drives off. The fight was inevitable as well. So why the fuck was he peeved? Aggravated. Ticked.

He was a time bomb.
Tick tock tick. (tempo)

It took exactly 11 minutes of driving off into oblivion (God knows where) before he exploded like that time bomb when a drunk driver swerved and drove off into the wrong side of the road. And it took ten seconds to crash into Grayson's car clipping off the whole right side of the car. About 2 seconds to collide with Grayson's body. And a fraction of that for Grayson's head to smash into his window and then the airbag and then the wheel. (acciaccato)

It took no time for him to pass out.


idk how author notes work but I'm sure I'll figure it out.

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