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Last year of high school and thank god it's almost over! My last relationship with Alex did NOT end very well. She was super annoying and only cared about herself. All I want in life is a decent relationship (boy or girl), a chance to take risks and finish a season of American Horror Story in a day.

What really bugs me is never having enough freedom and these other problems such as:

1. My mom begging me to become a doctor (she was never a fan of my band's music, sadly.)

2. I live with my best friend Kellin cause he is more organized than anyone in the band. And don't get me started on Justin and "his girlfriend."

Now that's Fucking gross...

3. My dad is a huge fan of music and encouraged me to live my dream as a musician. But, on his way home, he got involved in a car accident and now I'm stuck with my annoying mother nagging me to get a
"real job/career."

Well, I'm Gabe Barham and this is no reality TV shit. It's my life and my story.

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