Chapter 1 - The Basics

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*8:30 am*

I wake up to the smell of Kellin's pancakes lingering in my nose.
I can promise you that he makes the best fucking pancakes on earth!

As I walk down the stairs to the smell of pancakes,
Kellin stops me in my tracks.

What do you say?
Kellin says angered by my lack of manners.

May I have some pancakes?
I say kind of annoyed.

Better. Anyway, we need to head over to school for orientation. Plus, What the hell are you wearing?
Kellin asks concerned by my spongebob pjs and messy hair.

Well, I can take a shower and put on something "decent" for your "pleasure."
I say to him winking.

Okay... But be ready by 9 because school st-
Kellin attempts to finish but I interrupt.

Yeah I know the drill. Go wait in the car okay? I say annoyed once again. I'm basically too tired to care what he says...

*Kellin walks out angrily slamming the car door, and begins blasting Nirvana*

*20 minutes later*

I get out the shower dressed in a button up, black pants, black and white vans with batman socks, and style my "amazing" hair.

I then walk outside carrying my crown the empire backpack and hopping into Kellin's
"mom van."

Kellin, why can't you get a cool car like mine?
I say laughing a bit.

Because mom gave me her car and I'm going to cherish it.

Funny story: Me and Kellin live together, we're both related, and my brother Kellin has always wanted his own ride. Our mom decides to pass down her car to Kellin on his birthday since he's "older." I'm glad I didn't get THAT for my birthday. Then mom decides to ride her bike from now on since work is 10 minutes away. She says it "saves energy" or some shit. For road trips and stuff, we use dad's car (sadly, he passed away) because it's much better than Kellin's.

Whatever floats your boat. Now let's hit the road before we're late!
I say as a command.

*10 minutes later and we arrive at school*

Gabe, I'm gonna go park. Find us a spot inside got it?
Kellin says worried.

Okay Kellin, see you in a few.
I say kissing his cheek.

As I step inside, a bunch of random girls run up to me saying: "holy shit it's Gabe from Sleeping With Sirens" "Marry me please?" Etc.

It's kinda lame but I ignore most of them and head into the gym.

As I enter, I notice an audience on both sides of the gym glancing down on the principle of the school I believe?

Hurry students! We need to begin shortly!
he says nervously.

*as I get seated, Kellin quickly sits next to be sweating like crazy*

Kellin are you okay?!
I say worryingly.

I-I saw him.
Kellin says scared.

Saw who?
I answer concerned.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2015 ⏰

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