Chapter One

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"Nialler!" I screamed, running to my big brother, jumping into his arms. I haven't seen him in ages. I had just got off of the plane and he came to meet me.

"Kels!" He yelled, picking me up and spinning me around. I laughed as he skidded to a stop and put me down.

I hugged him once more before asking "How's my big brother and his fame?" He smiled at me, before taking my bag and leading me to the car.

"You'll see in a minute." Niall said, in sort of a worried mixed with devious tone.

"Huh?" I asked confused. Then we were trampled by fans. Lots and lots of frantic girls.

"Grab on!" Niall screamed holding out his hand. I latched on and he pulled me as fast as he could through screaming people.After a few seconds of young girls yelling in my face, Niall yanked me into the backseat of a car.

"Hi! I'm Louis!" The driver said, smiling at me through the rearview mirror.

"Hello be-"

"Harry, don't flirt with my sister." Niall said, cutting off the curly haired boy in the passenger seat. I laughed at the thought of someone flirting with me. I've only ever had one boyfriend and that didn't end pleasantly, I was always too busy swimming to have time for guys.

"Hi. I'm Liam." The boy sitting next to Niall said, holding out his hand. I shook it and said hello back.

"Hello love. I'm Zayn." A cute boy sitting next to Liam greeted with a smile. I shoot him a smile in return and nodded.

"Hey boys. I'm Kelsey." I said as Louis started driving off.

"We know." They said in union, making me laugh a little.

"You're the swimmer Niall hasn't shut up about for a week." Liam added. I sighed, I didn't want to be known as the swimmer. I just nodded and looked at my phone to check Twitter. Someone had posted a picture of Niall and I when I had gotten off the plane and he was spinning me around and tagged me in it as his sister. There was some tweets that said 'omg you're Niall Horan's sister! I ♥ you!' Which made me laugh at their excitement. Then a lot of them said 'ew! You're stupid and ugly just like your brother' or 'you aren't good enough to be related to him.' Which made me want cry. How could I not be good enough to have my brother?

I locked and put my phone down when I couldn't handle it anymore. I wiped my eyes a little to make sure no tears were there. I looked up, blinking the few tears I had left away, and noticed Zayn was straing at me. He quickly looked down around his phone when he realized I saw him staring. I smiled.

"We're home!" Louis screamed, jumping out of the car and running, almost skipping, into the house. I turned toward Niall with a raised eyebrow. The other boys all laughed and got out of the car, copying Louis.

"You'll get used to it. Come on!" Niall said, grabbing my stuff and skip ran into the house. I followed, laughing and stepped into the house. I stopped and my jaw dropped in shock. It was a beautiful house don't get me wrong, but man these boys knew how to wreck a place. There was clothes, carrots, stuffed turtles, hair supplies, and food everywhere.

"Boys. Are. Gross." I stated, my face twisted in disgust. They all turned to me, pouting. I shot an apologetic smile. The all mocked my smile then laughed. I rolled my eyes and joined their laughter. Then a blonde girl walked in, hugging Zayn, and he pecked her lips. I felt a small pang of jealousy and frowned a bit. I'm not sure why though, it was weird.

"That's Perrie, Zayn's girlfriend." Niall informed me, noticing I was looking at her.  

"Hi." She said with a smile.

"Hey. I'm Kelsey, Niall's sister." I told her, I felt a little bad noticing my voice came out a little cold sounding. She seemingly didn't notice though, and put on a smile.

"I can tell. You look a lot like him." She said, grabbing Zayn's hand. I looked down at their linked hands and bit my lip. I looked back up to Niall.

"Where am I going to sleep?" I asked, sounding a little more demanding than I'd expected.

"Here, love." He chuckled, leading me to a room. I stepped in and noticed it was the only place I'd seen in this entire house that was nice and neat. How'd Perrie stay here without being grossed out all of the time?

"Thank you!" I sing-songed. He smiled and sat my baggage on the ground.

I looked around. So this is where I'd be living for a month. This should be interesting. I sighed, bit my lip, and went back to the main room.

"Hey Kelsey. Wanna go swimming with us?" Louis asked, sticking out his bottom lip, hoping I'd say yes. To mess with him, I looked up in thought, tapping my cheek, the turned toward him.

"Well, if you want..." I teased.

"We do!" They all pleaded, all except Perrie.

"Sure." I giggled happily, and ran into my room to change.

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